Sadly, I have first-hand experience with people who have this - TopicsExpress


Sadly, I have first-hand experience with people who have this condition-and I strongly feel that it is not so much inherited as caused by parent/child dynamics. I truly feel that BPD is a symptom of a much larger social problem. While I want to empathize with the person who exhibits this, I can only tell you that being on the receiving end of the constant verbal and sometimes physical attacks from people with this condition only causes anger and a feeling that they should be permanently placed somewhere away from all of the rest of us. NONE of us should be expected to just accept this behavior from anyone-it crosses the line on so many levels. A good friend of mine is now being verbally attacked ( lies and half truths being told about him), harassed (rapid succession of texts and/or calls, voice mails, etc.) guilt tripped (I dont understand WHY you wont answer my calls...[poor me]?) after ending a 4 date acquaintance with someone he recently met. FOUR DATES!!! She refuses to stop following him, showing up at his place of work, texting, calling, after he clearly stated that he did not want to see her any more. She is continuing to harass him-trying to pressure him, trying the guilt trip, (poor me-all I wanted to do was love you...) the give me all my stuff back approach, (which amounts to a few Tupperware containers and a T-shirt and a gift card that were birthday gifts) and now contacting his friends for some trumped up and contrived reasons. (I seriously hope she contacts me next so I can impart some wisdom unto her.) My point: Ladies, dont be a psycho and dont encourage your daughters to be psychos either! This behavior is not only invasive, but pathetic.Its dis-empowering and makes all women look weak. Its so very unbecoming, unattractive and NOT a good way to get someone to pay attention to you. It IS however a good way to get rejected, arrested and have restraining orders signed against you, if thats what youre going for. The world is full of people-about 13 MILLION in PA alone-and about 6 MILLION of them are MEN-so go find someone else!! If you need attention THAT badly, that you feel you need to harass one single person, who has been NOTHING BUT A GENTLEMAN towards you, then I suggest you get a cat, or even 10 cats, or better yet, find a good therapist that will give you the undivided attention you crave, and maybe a few good pointers and Life Skills along the way. You know EXACTLY what you are doing-I dont buy the what did I do to deserve this? act. NONE of us do. None of us are impressed. This is not how you show someone you care-this is how you throw a tantrum like a child who does not get what they want. Knock it off. You STILL dont have what you want, do you? You are a manipulator and need to work on your own flaws. I hope you do before you make a bigger spectacle of yourself. Please get help.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:54:12 +0000

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