Sadly MSNBC doesnt know their geography. Last night I was - TopicsExpress


Sadly MSNBC doesnt know their geography. Last night I was watching Chris Mathews Hardball and The Last Word with Lawrence Odonnell, and they said that these immigrant kids come from Central America, yet they were continuously saying that they are coming from Ecuador. The fact is that these kids are escaping the gangs from El Salvador (not Ecuador), Guatemala and Honduras. There are so many idiots already in this country to be spreading the news yet with more misinformation. If you would like to help, please write to: mediainquiries@msnbc On a personal note, it is really a shame that a country that claims to be so humanitarian and moralistic, many Americans refer to these kids as disposable trash, an infestation, a plague who carry deceases and need to go back now. Forget about what the law says, they want them gone now, despite that the law requires a due process. These are the same people that demand to follow the law only when its convenient for them. We need to pass reform, we need to fix the borders, we need to severely penalize employers who hire undocumented people but we can not give our back to these children. We can send them back but we will have blood in our hands because we will be sending them to get killed, raped or to be recruited by the gangs. This is a humane and moral issue this country faces. Lets see if we can talk to talk and walk the walk as the humane and compassionate country we claim to be. This is the real test this country and the American people face. My questions is where is Mexico in this equation? Lets send them back to Mexico them, and let the Mexican government face the music, after all they dont protect their borders either. This kids will be better off in Mexico than sending them back to El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. Mexico has as much responsibility to our immigration influx and they are not doing anything to help. Time to start pressuring them!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 23:11:06 +0000

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