Sadly, if there is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, who would - TopicsExpress


Sadly, if there is such a thing as a moderate Muslim, who would know? Few, if any, condemn the Satanic violence and hate of the terror groups, and it is often the pillars of the community found using the local mosque to funnel money to these groups. Spare me the I have a nice Muslim friend thing, or the many have killed in the name of religion nonsense. It isnt Jews and Christians beheading journalists and plotting subway attacks. It isnt Israeli teenagers blowing themselves up or advocating rape or world domination. It isnt the Bible-thumping Christians advocating murdering people simply because they wont convert. No, rape, genital mutilation, deception, murder, suicide, and world domination have One primary global advocate- Islam. The same Islam born from Abrahams bastard child Ishmael. The same Islam whose raping and pillaging of the innocent fueled the crusades. Hitler sat with their leaders. Churchill called it poison.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:57:09 +0000

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