Sadly the puppy mill caused me to have collapsed trachea which - TopicsExpress


Sadly the puppy mill caused me to have collapsed trachea which makes me struggle to breath, reason why you dont see me in a collar much... I also have a enlarged heart and murmur..( which also pushes on my trachea ) . a simple walk outside. or getting excited makes me cough.. PLease keep a eye on your kids.. and Adopt ..dont shop.. Unfortunately, heart disease in dogs is fairly common and there are many causes. Just as in people, heart disease in dogs can be caused by old age, infection, injury, diet, physical condition, lack of exercise, or may be hereditary or caused by birth defects. If your dog has heart disease, early detection and treatment of the disease will help keep your dog as healthy as possible. The cause of your dog’s heart disease will determine which treatment your dog receives. Symptoms of Heart Disease Coughing during or after exercise Changes in breathing Shortness of breath after or during exercise Labored breathing Hard time resting or getting settled down for night Reluctance to take walks Lack if energy Swollen belly Fainting or collapsing Loss of weight and poor appetite Rapid breathing Pacing Tiring easily and weakness Less playful Depressed or withdrawn Bluish gray tongue or gums Weight gain ask your vet for more info .
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:34:05 +0000

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