Safari Tips Going on safari is exciting, educational, and - TopicsExpress


Safari Tips Going on safari is exciting, educational, and adventurous. To get the most out of your safari experience, there are certain things you should know: 1. Animal Spotting Etiquette Dont expect to see the Big Five on your first game drive as there is no guarantee youll see them as animal behaviors are unpredictable. Be aware of the interests of others in your jeep. They may or may not be interested in what interests you. 2. Dont Get Eaten Dont get out of your jeep without your guide/driver telling you it is safe. If need to relieve yourself, let your driver know and hell find a safe spot to stop for you. 3. Animal Night Vision is Better Than Yours Dont walk around camp at night without a guard if it is unfenced and the management has told you not to. Many animals see better than you do at night and can spot you before you spot them. 4. Dont Use Your Cell Phone Dont even bring your cell phone while viewing animals. Its hard to get a good connection, if it does ring it can scare away animals nearby and its terribly irritating for others in the jeep listening to you or watch you text. It distracts from you and the others immersing in the African safari experience. 5. Your Toddlers Are Not Cute on Long Game Drives If you have younger children dont sharing a game drive vehicle with other guests. Game drives are long and can get boring for young children.DSCN3808 6.Dont Be a Know-It-All If youve been on safaris before, dont supersede your guide explaining the animal behavior you are watching. 7. Put Your Camera on Mute Dont edit and delete photos from your camera to make room for more, while on a game drive, because the beeping that accompanies it get be annoying to others. It also ruins the natural sounds in the bush. 8. Keep Your Voice Down Your Voice is Not As Melodic as the Bush: During the game drive or nature walk, keep in mind animals will be distracted by your voice and will move away when they hear you. While someone is shooting a video, keep quiet until they are done shooting. 9. Giving While on a Safari is Not Necessary Dont bring sweets for children or gifts if you dont know the people you are giving them to personally. There are some great charities you can give to. 10. Dont Forget to Tip Dont forget to tip your guides, drivers and camp staff while on safari. Tips are a huge percentage of their salary. Ask your tour operator for guidelines how much to tip before you go. 11. Be Careful What You to Wear Wear comfortable cotton clothes that you dont mind getting dusty and that arent too brightly colored. Layer up as the weather can change quickly in the bush. 12. Be Careful About What Not to Bring Dont pack a lot of clothes or unnecessary Items because many of safari camps have luggage limits. 13. Avoid Malaria Bring malaria prophylactics with you. 14. Dont drive in powder in the Rift Valley (make sure to bring a shovel!) 15. Enjoy your safari by Dr. Ken Firestone
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 09:54:03 +0000

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