Sages of reason - philosophys top 10 The 10 greatest - TopicsExpress


Sages of reason - philosophys top 10 The 10 greatest philosophical works 1 Plato, The Republic An ideal world would be run by philosopher aristocrats and lesser beings would know their place 2 Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Pure Reason The human mind can never arrive, by pure thought, at truths about concepts such as God, human freedom, or immortality of which it has no experience 3 Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species The theory of how life evolved slowly through natural selection 4 Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics Platos student wrote two books of ethics which are still clear guides on how to lead a good life 5 Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Tried to prove that mind and body were distinct 6 Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations) Wittgenstein posed these complex questions: Every sign by itself seems dead. What gives it life? In use it is alive. Is life breathed into it there? - Or is the use its life 7 Aristotle, Metaphysics The most difficult, and said to be the most important, of his books, it contains the philosophers theory of being 8 David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding Arguably the greatest British thinker ever, Hume, a Scot, attempted to define the principles of human knowledge and to discover how rationality worked 9 Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil A book of 296 aphorisms and poems with which he hoped would help create a free spirit 10 Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica The philosopher-saint tried to present Christian belief as clearly as possible by explaining Gods existence through questions and tightly argued responses
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 22:02:49 +0000

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