Saharanpur - Heroes & Villains - Best blog by Media - TopicsExpress


Saharanpur - Heroes & Villains - Best blog by Media Crooks =========================================== This is one is pretty easy. It won’t take many words to explain the crime either. The Saharanpur riots have exposed the corrupt MSM like no other riot has ever done before. It has shown how most of the media celebs like to live in and peddle lies to mislead and deceive the public. Lately, a few brave journos are speaking out against the malice in reporting communal riots and always painting the Muslims as victims. One of the primary reasons is that a certain community refuses lawful existence. It refuses lawful existence and it denies lawful existence for others. Crimes come from all communities but our media and sickular politicians have long defended and covered up the crimes of the Muslim community. When that trend shows a sign of changing the Commie crooks like Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha Dutt, Shekhar Gupta and many others refuse to see the writing on the wall. This Media Mafia not only wants to peddle lies but they want to kill and silence anyone who dares to break out of their circle and speak the truth. Let’s run through the events: So the court awarded a disputed land to the Sikhs to build a Gurudwara. Naturally, the Muslims were unwilling to accept the court verdict. According to latest reports the organiser of the attack on the Gurudwara land and on the Sikhs and their shops is a former MLA Moharram Ali aka Pappu Ali (What a name!). How they started: While politicians and media “wiseguys” like Arnab Goswami were quick to point fingers at BJP and Hindus, the unprovoked attack was clearly planned and carried out with precision at dawn on July 26. In Pune a tech worker was identified as “Muslim victim”, in the Maharashtra Sadan again the waiter was identified as a “Muslim victim” of a Sena MP who forced roti down his throat while he was on Ramzan fast. Okay! Then there was the Sania Mirza episode. Again, Muslim victim! But come Saharanpur the violent attack by Muslims was described as “Group clashes”. It was just the Muslims carrying out a planned attack on the Gurudwara, the Sikhs and burning their shops. The most defining image of the attack on Sikhs was this one: Note that the Sardar in the pic doesn’t have any weapon or stones in his hands. He is a sitting duck for the blood-thirsty mob. What happened to him? That Sardar ended up in the hospital badly injured. Thankfully, he survived and will live to recover his life. Hundreds of Sikh shops were burnt. It was NOT a communal riot. It was a Muslim riot like the Azad Maidan one. I have not heard or seen any report that indicates the Sikhs reacted or responded with equal violence and at the most defended themselves. It was just one community destroying the other. More: There is no report that the police took fast or strong action. There is no report one shot was fired to disperse the mob. It went on for 3 days before some firm action was taken. Our sickular govts do not like to offend Muslims who want to riot. Our media doesn’t want to report their crimes. It’s called “Indian Secularism” which is now commonly known as “Sickularism”. Of course, for some hate-filled morons in the media the events in Gaza or Pakistan are worth a lot of tears but the Sikhs in Saharanpur are “Laboratory specimens” (read Hindu terrorists created in the Hindutva laboratory): This sick female who travels under the name of Rana Ayyub has an extraordinary reservoir of hate for Hindus and any other community except Muslims. So much that it blinds her to the truth out of her Politico-Islamic compulsions. That the Muslims were violently rioting in Saharanpur is not visible to her. Never mind! Like her, there is another blind moron on Timesnow who believes every incident in UP or elsewhere is a “Design to polarise” by the BJP regardless of what the truth is. Arnab, the Hindu-hater, has now set an agenda for the TOI group to target the BJP govt for all communal sins and even “deemed” communal sins: We keep wondering if these chronic haters and liars will ever find the courage to speak the truth about Saharanpur or about their hypocrisy in reporting communal violence. We didn’t expect them to. But in comes a guy and he shows the guts to speak the truth: Gaurav Sawant of HeadlinesToday boldly and bluntly states the truth about media hypocrisy for the first time in the history of Indian TV news. He tweets how the media makes it about “Muslim victim” all the time but remains silent on the crimes by that community. This is nothing short of a historic turn in the Indian media. There is nothing so outrageous or untruthful in what Sawant says. Millions have been saying it for a long time now. Obviously, the Media Mafia cannot digest this as it threatens their very life-support and cash-flow. So here is a corrupt media celeb, sacked from his job, who moralises about Sawant’s tweets: Instantly, Shekhar Gupta, the “second-hand car” purchased by the India Today group as their Vice-Chairman, forces Sawant to delete his tweets under threat. “Deep Throat” confirmed to me that it was Gupta who forced the deletion of tweets. Gupta is a ignorant of how SM works. In this day and age people consider media a crime scene. They keep screen shots and records of media transactions. Gupta is also new to Twitter and he has so far lived in his cocooned editor’s chamber of muck. Imagine how many scams and news stories adverse to their masters people like Gupta and Sardesai would have suppressed and censored. With his moral sermon Rajdeep sparks off another dangerous act by someone who organised a petition to sack Sawant from HT. Twitterworld says this was instigated by a side-kick journo called Mihir Sharma who is a Modi-hater and constant whiner. He whines so much that he’s a disgrace to even whining. Here’s the stupid petition: The petition is mindless crap and it even claims Sawant is popular with the right wing as if this is blasphemy which offends the Quran or Bible. I would have to call the people who crafted this petition a bunch of intolerant extremists. There was an instant outrage on Twitter over this silly petition because the same people like Rajdeep, Barkha, and Gupta who whine about free speech were now part of the mafia that silenced one of their own. Shameful hypocrisy at its best. What these goondas really wanted to do was rant like Al Capone: “I want that man dead! I want his family dead! I want his house burned down to the ground”. But they can’t do that so they resorted to this silly petition. When Rajdeep was pointed to the moronery he had provoked this was the transaction: Yeah! Who decides what’s a hate tweet or hate speech? Not courts, but our media morons like Rajdeep who seem to have been appointed by Moses. It is not a mere opinion that Rajdeep is peddling. It is a threat that he holds out to other journalists that they cannot step outside the circle of Hammam which has been so carefully built by our criminal Media Mafia. Shekhar Gupta tells us how he and others couldn’t read public opinion (remember the confessions of Intellectual Moron Dileep Padgaonkar?): Gupta’s acknowledgement that political pimps don’t understand public opinion anymore is not the first one. Dileep Padgaonkar was the first and a decade of political pimping has disconnected these media crooks from people as much as it has the Congress and its sickular clones. There was that old Radia-fox too (who commented on how SC judges operated). He had a confession too as did the Monk who had no understanding of SM and got slapped in 2014: If guys like Rajdeep, Barkha, Sagarika, Shekhar or Prabhu Chawla was only a threat to press freedom that wouldn’t be such a big danger. My earlier tagline for this blog was “Crooks and liars in the media are the greatest danger to Indian democracy”. Yes, they threaten our very democracy through their lies and misreporting and deliberate malice towards all communities except the Muslims. The more they protect Muslim crimes the more brazen the community gets. In the case of Saharanpur the Sikhs have been short changed by both the politicians and the media. Fortunately, unlike 1984, social media does not allow these sick media people to hide anymore. There is no place, no corner and no hole to hide. Their crimes are exposed day in and day out. Overnight Gaurav Sawant is a hero among people. Personally, I would prefer journos like him to get out of mafia houses and, along with our good journos, form a new channel. Money is always there for an honest cause. But that is not my decision to make. But it is heartening to see his courage and honesty. Gaurav Sawant deserves our applause and a salute. I hope he continues in the same vein without fear even if the crimes are by Hindus and not necessarily by Muslims or other communities. If we have to get past the nonsense of communal riots and violence we need journos to report it bluntly and not as stupid “group clashes”. That’s where the laws of reporting need change. There is another sad and unreported part to the Saharanpur story. I have known Gurudwaras to be generous and provide food and shelter to anyone, regardless of community, as much as is possible by them. Sikhs ensure no Sikh person ever goes hungry or without shelter and they extend it to other people where feasible. Saharanpur is no different when it comes to their generosity as this tweet indicates: That tweet is based on this report in the Tribune. The act of providing education and social service in Saharanpur cannot be disputed. And because a court verdict did not go in their favour, it is astonishing that the Muslim community attacked the very community which provides so much for its children. That’s the story our TV channels won’t tell you. But every terrible incident has its heroes. The Sardar facing the stone-pelting mob is a symbolic hero for his community and Gaurav Sawant is a true, game-changing hero in the media. We know who the villains are. mediacrooks/2014/08/saharanpur-heroes-villains.html#.U9rve_mSzp7
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 03:10:27 +0000

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