Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj- through the eyes of - TopicsExpress


Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj- through the eyes of non-Sikh historians (Must Read & Share) 1. Syad Muhammad Latif, a famous historian writes in ‘History of the Panjab’(1989 edition) :- a. Historians agree in praising the great merits of Guru Govind Singh. In him were united the qualities of a religious leader and a warrior. He was a lawgiver in the pulpit, a champion in the field, a king on his masnad, a faqir in the society of the Khalsa. He was the right man for the needs of the time. Page270 b. Awakening his countrymen to a new and noble life, arousing their latent energies to a sense of common duty, he blended the undaunted courage of the soldier with the enthusiasm of the devotee, and inspired the peaceful ploughman with ideas of military glory and national aggrandizement. Composed in mind and matured in experience, he resolved to reform religious corruptions and to put an end to social abuses and depredations page 261 c. His persevering endurance in the midst of calamities and disasters was equal to his bravery and valour in the field, and, although he did not live to see his great ends accomplished, yet it is acknowledged on all the hands that the conversion of a band of undisciplined Jats (given to rapine and plunder or to agricultural pursuits) into a body of conquerors and a political corporation, was due entirely to the genius of Govind ( Singh), whose history is closely interwoven with that of Sikhs as a nation. P 271 2. JD Cunningham , an eminent historian, writes in his book, “History of the Sikhs” (1915edition):- The last apostle of the Sikhs did not live to see his own ends accomplished, but he effectually roused the dormant energies of a vanquished people and filled them with a lofty although fitful longing for social freedom and a national ascendancy, the proper adjuncts of that purity of worship which had been preached by Nanak. Page75. 3. Dr.Sir Gokal Chand Narang ,who has written the history of the Sikhs with very impartial religious conviction, writes in his book ‘ Transformation of Sikhism (1960 edition) :- . The seed which blossomed in the time of Guru Govind Singh had been sown by (Guru) Nanak and watered by his successors. The sword which carved the Khalsa’s way to the glory was, undoubtedly, forged by Guru Govind [Singh]. Page17. 4.Lieutenant-Colonel Malcolm, a well known historian., writes in his book ‘ Sketch of the Sikhs’(1812 edition ) :- He called upon all Hindus to break those chains in which prejudice and bigotry had bound them, and to devote themselves to arms, as the only means by which they could free themselves from the oppressive government of the Muhammedans; against whom, a sense of his own wrongs, and those of his tribe, led him to preach eternal warfare. His religious doctrine was meant to be popular, and it promised equality. The invidious appellations of Brahmen, Cshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra, were abolished. Page 149-150 5.Daulat Rai, an Arya Samaji historin of the west Panjab, in his book ‘Sahibe Kamal GuruGobind Singh’ (1993 edition) writes:- a. It is extremely rare if not altogether impossible to find all the good qualities in one man. But the Guru was an embodiment of all round perfection. He was a poet, a religious leader, a religious and social reformer, an excellent planner and counsellor and a superb general. He was a poet whose verse was forceful and vibrant with emotions of every kind, and highly eloquent. As a reformer in the social and religious spheres he had no peer. In the battle-field he was a dauntless general unperturbed by the turn of events. He was a sagacious and farsighted counsellor, a true lover of his country, an unflagging champion of his people, an unrivalled martyr of his country. Page 154. b. The Guru was able to infuse new blood and vigour in dying Hindu Nation. From amongst the cowardly and supine Hindus, he created a new breed of virile and valiant people, the Khals , filled with the spirit of selfless service and self-sacrifice for the good of humanity and Glory of Akal. Page 175 6. Duncan Greenless ,a famous historian, has written in his book ‘ The Gospel of the Guru Granth Sahib(1975 edition ):- Circumstances in the country had changed greatly; India was under the ruthless bigot of Aurangzeb, and there was no constitution which could protect her people from his brutalities. Under him Hindus had no legal rights, their temples were burnt. There was nothing else to do but to submit like cowards or to resist like men. The Guru was forced into resistance by the incessant attacks of jealous Hill Rajas who cd not tolerate the rise of Sikhism beside them; he used violence and the sword as the surgeon when all the means have failed takes up the knife. The evil of the day could be combated only in that way. Page XCiX 7.Hari Ram Gupta , a very famous historian of the Punjab history writes in his book’History of the Sikhs Volume 1(1984 edition):- a. The Guru gave the Khalsa the social ideal of equality and close brotherhood. There was to be no distinction of birth, caste, class or colour. All were equal in social status, and had the same rights and privileges. He thus enunciated ninety years earlier the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity which formed the bedrock of French Revolution.. Page 282 b, The Guru’s four acts of crowing glory are: (a) creation of the Khalsa, (b) bestowal of political sovereignty on the Khalsa, (c) the selection of Banda Bahadur for the establishment of the Khalsa rule and (d) declaring the Holy Granth as the eternal Guru. Page 337 8. W .Owen Cole in his book ‘Sikhism and its Indian Context’ 1469 -1708 ( 1984 edition, London ) writes:- It is not to deny the importance of either religion or the struggle for freedom in his life, but it is to assert that his desire was for conditions in which his people could develop their way of life and worship in peace. Page-266 9. Anil Chandra Banerjee,an eminent historian from Bengal, writes in his book’ Guru Nanak and His times’ ( 1984 edition ):- a. His father had shown how a fearless Sikh could make the supreme sacrifice for his faith. Several decades earlier the fifth Guru had shown a similar example. It was now for the disciples to come forward and prove that their Guru had not died in vain. In giving them direction and leadership Guru Gobind responded to call of history in a manner which was not at all inconsistent with the essence of Guru Nanak’s teachings. On the other hand, one might say that the tenth Guru’s call evoked splendid response because the twin foundations of new system – spiritual fervour and freedom from fear – emanated directly from the founder’s teachings. From this point of view the emergence of Khalsa was the fulfillment of Guru Nanak’s mission. Page- 209-210 b. His performance as a war leader is not to be judged by his apparent failure to humble his enemies. He prepared the ground for the war of independence and the emergence of the Sikh State after his death.. Page 341of his book The Sikh Gurus and the Sikh Religion. c. The new system of initiation, the abolition of Masand System, the elimination of personal Guruship and the recognition of the authority of the ‘Panch’ appeared to be radical measures even though they were rooted in the past. Page-348 of the same book. Compiled by, Sawan Singh, Principal (Retd.)
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 05:32:09 +0000

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