Sai Baba Saved From Deadly Disease and Blesses With Child - - TopicsExpress


Sai Baba Saved From Deadly Disease and Blesses With Child - Anonymous Sai Devotee Anonymous Devotee from USA says: Sai Ram Dear Hetal ji and the team, I would like to share my experience in this forum. Please keep my name and email id confidential. My experience is lengthy. I have tried so many times to cut it short and but didnt quite succeed in making it further shorter. Please feel free to edit it as you deem appropriate. May Baba bless you and your family for providing such a great platform to strengthen devotion towards Baba. Thank you! Baba dragged this sparrow to His feet around 1995 -96. Since then He has been my Mother, Best Friend and Guide. The below experiences are just a few of many wonderful miracles He has performed in my life. Like every newly married woman, I started off my married life 8 yrs back with high spirits and lots of dreams. Baba has blessed me with a wonderful husband and in-laws who are also staunch devotees of Baba. It all started in 2008 Feb, when we happened to go to a Baba Mandir Pran Prathishta here in the US. Although we did not pay for the special ticket, I got a rare chance to do Abhishekam for Babas huge brand new Idol due to the unavailability of a certain sponsor. I felt even more special when priest asked others standing in the line for performing Abhishekam to hand over their pot/Kalasam to him. Perhaps this was the first sign Baba gave to assure that He is going to be hold my hand and help me cross the ordeal. I was to go through the next 6 years. Couple of days later I started to bleed profusely. That afternoon while I was taking nap, Baba appeared in my dream and asked me to take pregnancy test immediately. I reluctantly took the test and was shocked to see the positive result. We rushed to a doctor who gave us the bad news that I was miscarrying already. To worsen things further, I had a huge cyst in my ovary that appeared suspicious and doctor insisted that I get operated immediately. I was scared to death but was left with no other option than to agree for the surgery. During my hospital stay I had various experiences to strengthen my faith in Baba. To my huge relief, the biopsy results came back normal. When I was leaving the hospital after discharge and thanking Baba in my mind, I was in for a sweet surprise. A security person named Baba jaan (which is an uncommon name in the US) greeted me at the gate. I am sure it was none other than our beloved Baba. By His grace, I got pregnant the following year. Things were going smooth this time and I was enjoying every bit of pregnancy. Suddenly one morning in my 2nd trimester, I woke up to profuse bleeding. We rushed to a hospital only to find out the baby had passed on. To say the least, I was completely shattered. The thought of baby waving and doing a chicken dance in the last ultrasound was haunting me. I was going through an emotional turmoil, feeling shocked, guilty, sad, dejected, angry and above all desperately looking for an answer as to why it happened to me. Why me? was the question in my mind and I started questioning my faith and existence of Baba. How could He let this happen to me? I badly needed peace of mind. So I quit my job which was going very well and went to my hometown in India to find solace. When I returned couple of months later and was ready to take up another job, Baba immediately found me a better job with a better salary while my previous company was going through tough times and lay-offs. I couldnt appreciate Babas timely help during that time since I was desperately looking for an answer. Meanwhile all test reports of mine, my husband and the foetus came back normal. I was frustrated not knowing the reason or getting the closure I was looking for. Time was passing by. I was slowly moving on and desperately waiting to get pregnant again. My hope was diminishing as every month went by. I had several failed IUIs. I even tried alternative medicines including Ayurvedic, Chinese and acupuncture treatment etc. All in vain. I remember how angry and desperate I was during those dark days. I used to throw away Babas pictures. Then couple of days later I would go back to Him since He was my only ray of hope. I was having a love-hate relationship with Baba and giving Him deadlines to get me pregnant. Since I couldnt wait any longer, we decided to try IVF as a last resort. Money and the rigorous oral medications and injections didnt seem to be a deal breaker for me in the face of the success percentage. At the end of the cycle, I got 4 embryos. The best two were placed in my womb and the remaining two were frozen. My joy knew no bounds when I found out that I was pregnant with twins, but shortly after, twin A ended in miscarriage. I was told twin B was doing fine and had all chances of survival. But at a 10 weeks appointment, we found that the heartbeat of the foetus had stopped the day before. I have no words to describe the grief and anguish I was going through. Shortly after, I did get pregnant for the 4th time. But that happiness too was short-lived. I miscarried at 6 weeks. I was a wreck by now. I could not imagine going through another pregnancy. I badly wanted a change of place. My Baba obliged to my request. He found both myhusband and I nice jobs in a different city of our choice with the relocation expenses covered by the employer. Change of place definitely helped. I started concentrating on my job. Visiting Baba’s temple regularly on Thursdays and eating His Prasad for dinner became a habit. My outlook on life slowly started changing. I was no longer demanding a child from Baba. I started believing that Baba only does good for me and there must be a valid reason for those 4 miscarriages. By His grace, we bought a beautiful house. Main selling point for me was, it had a huge Baba temple close-by. My mind got diverted in decorating and setting up the house. As we were settling down in our new house, we encountered another bump on the road to pregnancy. I found out that I was having huge fibroids and severe endometriosis. Doctors suggested another surgery but this time I was not willing to undergo one without visiting my Sai in Shirdi. By Babas grace, we visited Shirdi couple of months later. It was my 5th time in Shirdi and this time I wanted a definitive answer from Baba regarding a child. I wished to get a coconut from Baba. We have seen various instances in Satcharitra (Mrs. aurangabad, Mrs. Sapatnekar) where Coconut from Baba has yielded a child. I was reminded of Babas comment - Will coconut give an issue? How foolish are people to fancy such things? . With this thought running in my mind, I went to Dwarkamai. It was very crowded but I gathered courage and asked the priest for a coconut. And, he gave one to me. Though I was initially happy that the priest obliged me, I was later thinking it would be better if Baba gives it on His own rather than me demanding one and I regretted asking for a coconut. Baba read this thought of mine. Later that day, when I went to Samadhi Mandir to take His blessings, the priest there thrust a coconut on my hand without me asking for one. My joy knew no bounds. I was in tears. That moment I knew for sure my prayer was going to be answered very soon. Suddenly my mind was put at ease and everything became clear. I was willing to undergo any number of surgeries. Upon my return, I immediately underwent a surgery. This time, to my shock and disbelief, the biopsy findings suggested Borderline cancer. As someone who has lost dear ones to the disease, I know that the cancer treatment is worse than the disease itself. Though I was scared, this time I had strong faith in my saviour Baba. I was asked to follow up with an Oncologist who confirmed that the only treatment needed in my case was a surgery to remove the cyst and no further treatment was needed. He also mentioned that, had we not caught this at the right time, it could have turned into cancer. I couldnt thank Baba enough for His timely help in saving me from the deadly disease and rescuing me from the cruel chemotherapy treatment. To my astonishment, the doctor said I am perfectly fit to get pregnant and insisted I go through another IVF soon to increase my chances. It was during that time, I remembered the remaining 2 frozen embryos I had left in my old city. I wanted to give those frozen ones a try before proceeding with a new IVF. However, I didnt have high hopes since doctors warned me that frozen embryos are not as effective as a fresh transfer. Besides, they were in another city and they were not the best graded ones. How do I get them transported here and will they last the transportation and thawing process? This time my approach was entirely different. From all the previous experiences, one thing was clear. Getting a child is not in my hands, therefore I decided to leave it to Baba as He knows what is best for me. I started Nav Guruvar Vrat, chanted Baba’s holy names and Sai Amritvani regularly. I also started non-stop Satcharitra Saptah Parayan. Baba arranged for the embryos to arrive from my old city to the current one on a Thursday. On the day I finished the Satcharitra 1st Saptah, I came to know that both embryos survived transportation and thawing process. Both were transferred to my womb and I decided continued the Satcharitra Saptah Parayan. The following Thursday, Babas Udi arrived from Shirdi. This was sent in return for a humble donation made during my Shirdi visit. The timing of the Udi arrival gave me hope and strengthened my faith. My pregnancy test was scheduled to be couple of weeks later. The day before the pregnancy test, I was in for another surprise to further strengthen my faith in Baba. That evening when I went to online Darshan site as I do every day, Mrs. Aurangabad chapter from Satcharitra was being read that day in Shirdi. The same night I had a dream of a baby kicking me inside my tummy. From all these positive signs that Baba gave, one could guess that the time I have been waiting for has finally come. I came to know that I was pregnant with twins again. I was super delighted and vowed to continue the Saptah Parayan of Satcharitra, Amritvani and Nav Guruvar Vrat for the entire pregnancy. This time again around 9 weeks, one midnight I woke up to profuse bleeding . Though my initial reaction was crying and blaming Baba but by early morning, I started to become calm and decided to accept what Baba had in store for me. We rushed to a doctor in the morning and found that I had lost a twin. Doctor said there are 50/50 chances for the other twin to survive. I continued my prayers to Baba, my pillar of strength and hope. By His grace, the other twin survived and I went on to carry the baby full term. On my way to the c-section, my husband and I stopped by at a Baba temple to take His blessings. Baba never disappoints His devotees. A flower fell down from His hand. What more could I ask for? Knowing my wish, He blessed me with a baby boy on a Thursday. As per my vow, I completed the last week of 4th Nav Guruvar after the baby was born. I went to a nearby Baba temple with sweets. However I was disappointed when I noticed that Prasad was already being served to devotees. I anyhow went in and left the sweet at Baba’s feet, thanked Him and then stood in a queue for Prasad. I wished in my mind to receive the sweet I took for Him (rasagullah) as Prasad but I knew it was not possible. When my turn came, the queue split and in the commotion that followed somebody thrust a Prasad box in my hand. When I came to the car and opened the box, to my sweet surprise, my box contained the very sweet I took for Baba. To confirm further I asked my husband what kind of sweet he received in his box. He, like others in the queue got another sweet that was being served there. My dear Baba, I cant thank You enough for saving me from a deadly disease and blessing me with a healthy child. You know am not perfect in any means. Forgiving all my mistakes, please continue to be with me & my family and guide us in every step of life! My story is to give hope to devotees who go through tough time getting pregnant. Please continue to have faith in Him. His delay is not a denial and His timing is perfect! Whenever you doubt and feel low, please remember Sai is working out things for you even if you dont feel it. Have faith and patience. Where faith and patience grow Miracles happen
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:31:53 +0000

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