Saints are not supermen, everyone can be a saint At today’s - TopicsExpress


Saints are not supermen, everyone can be a saint At today’s Angelus for the Solemnity of All Saints, the Pope prayed in silence for migrants who died in the desert DOMENICO AGASSO JR ROME The saints were not born perfect. They tried to be and are bringers of peace and reconciliation. We are all called to walk along the path of sainthood, Pope Francis said from the window of the papal study in the Apostolic Palace, at the Angelus for the Solemnity of All Saints, on the eve of All Souls’ Day tomorrow. “Dear brothers and sisters, the Feast of All Saints which we celebrate today, reminds us that the end destination is not death, but Paradise!” the Pope said in the opening part of the Marian prayer. “John the Apostle writes: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,[a] we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (John 3:2). Francis called the saints are “the friends of God and they assure us that his promise does not disappoint. In their earthly life they lived in such deep communion with God, that they became similar to Him. In the faces of their more humble and neglected brothers they saw the face of God and now they contemplate it in all its glorious beauty, right there before them.” “The Saints are not supermen and neither are they perfect. They lived normal lives marked by sadness and joy, hardships and hopes, before reaching the glory of heaven. But when they witnessed God’s love, they followed him with all their heart, unconditionally and without hypocrisy; they dedicated their life to serving others, they bore suffering and adversities without hatred and responded to evil with good, spreading joy and peace.” “They never felt hatred. Love comes from God, hatred from the devil: the Saints turned their back on the devil.” ****The saints are men and women who have joy in their hearts and they transmit this to others,****” Francis stressed, tweeting: “Christians know how to face difficulties, trials and defeat with serenity and hope in the Lord.” The Pope went on to say that “being saints is not a privilege of the few but everyone’s vocation.” “We are all called to walk along the path of sainthood and this path has a name, a face and that name and face is Jesus Christ. He shows us the way in the Gospel: the Way of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12).” The Kingdom of Heaven is for those who do not find a sense of security in things but in God; it is for those who have a simple and humble heart, do not assume they are tight and do not judge others. Those who are capable of suffering alongside those who suffer, share another person’s joy are not violent but merciful and try to bring about reconciliation and peace.” The Saints tell us to trust the Lord because he does not disappoint! *****With their testimony they encourage us not be afraid to go against the tide or be misunderstood or ridiculed when we speak about Him and the Gospel;***** they show us with their lives that whoever remains faithful to God and to his Word experiences the comfort of his love on this Earth and this experience is a hundred times stringer in eternity.” This is what we hope and ask the Lord for, for our deceased brothers and sisters. The Church wisely celebrates the Feast of All saints just before All Souls’ Day. As we praise God and venerate the blessed spirits we pray for the suffrage of those who preceded us in the passage from this world to eternal life.” After the Angelus the Pope greeted “families, parish groups and associations” and those who took part in this morning’s Saints’ Race organised by the Don Bosco nel Mondo foundation. St. Paul would say that a Christian’s entire life is a “race” to win the prize of sainthood: you set a good example!” This afternoon Francis will go to Verano cemetery where he will celebrate Holy Mass. “I will be spiritually united to those who have been visiting cemeteries where their predecessors lie, showing faith as they await the day of resurrection,” the Pope said. Above all, I will pray for victims of violence, particularly for Christians who lost their life as a result of persecution and for our brothers who have died in their search of a better life: in recent days we saw the images of our brothers in the desert: let us pray in silence for these our brothers and sisters.” Francis concluded by greeting and wishing everyone a happy All Saints’ Day
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:18:26 +0000

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