Saints of God, If you missed church this Friday you missed on a - TopicsExpress


Saints of God, If you missed church this Friday you missed on a powerful teaching as our DPs are backing and they were giving feedback from the deep teachings of the Great Apostles Ezekiel and Eunor Guti from the recently held Deeper Life Conference. Our DP Pastor Luvy took to the platform to give a life changing feedback. Our God is a good God. Before giving the feedback he told the jubilant church our father is growing strong every day. God is answering our prayers. Our father is saying I am here to prepare you to take over and pass over the button to you. We came back fully loaded. This is going to be a year of mighty breakthroughs, miracles, signs and wonders. It is not a miracle until it surprises you. It is going to happen this year. The blind will see the sick will be healed. The prophet of God has declared it, we are now waiting and believing for the manifestation of the declaration. He then taught on a number of things Baba emphasized on. Ephesians 4:11 We understand that God gave gifts or appointed and gave men to us. God when you pray will always give you a man, whatever you need is not in heaven but it has been placed in men. A man of God is a gift from God not speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. You cannot say they are not gifted because themselves they are a gift to you from God. In Israel there was no one as important as Moses because he was given to them as a response to their prayer, as a gift. When you pray for a breakthrough God gives you a man. It is how you treat the gift that determines what you will get. An anointing that you do not value will never work for you. What we get is predicated upon how we value the anointing. No matter how Jesus was annointed and the power was with him to heal the sick in Nazareth they were offended with him and he did not perform many miracles because of their unbelief. Jesus was a given as an answer to their prayer but they did not believe. Sometimes the gift will come in a way you do not expect. For you to be able to believe something there must be some traits that almost make it to be unbelievable but you just have to believe. Jesus is God but born in a manger, Mary gets pregnant with no husband and he comes from Nazareth and Nathaniel says can anything good come from Nazareth. At face value it was not easy to believe Jesus but God says he is the only channel to get your blessing. Believe the man. There are things that are so obvious that when you try to measure his capacity and intelligence and language it is difficult to believe. God will bring someone who in your mind you will not believe. For believing to be possible there must be something that would challenge you belief. When you try to reason it will not work. Before we can speak about gifts of tongues and the Holy Spirit the man himself is a gift to the body of Christ. There is nowhere no matter how much you pray you can go alone. Joshua now cause these people to inherit the land. Joshua had to cause them to inherit. The reason why God gave man to the body of Christ is so that they may equip the saints for the work. Your reason to be here is to be equipped; you cant die a chair warmer. The work of the man of God is to equip you for the work of the ministry. The duty or duties of the man of God should become less and less as the saints take over the work. There should be a time when the pastor must stop praying for people and the saints take over. They will pray for the sick and they will recover. We all go to university to be equipped by the lecturer and we go to many places to do what he has taught us effectively, that is how the church is. Jesus said I should go and you can take over as I have equipped you and now you are my friends not servants. Are you a discipline of Jesus? If yes show me the fish. Jesus told the disciples go and proclaim that the kingdom of God is come. Jesus gave them authority over every disease and sickness and demons, he says do not worry about the money but today we are worried about the accommodation when we want to go to missions. People wait to work until there is enough money but Jesus wanted to teach them faith and depending on him. Whenever people give you money or something they limit the miracle. Go with nothing and you will see a miracle. I gave all the money I had one day and I was supposed to go to the meeting the next morning. I woke up and took a bath and went to the bus stop by faith and the bus came and I went in. You have to be crazy to exercise your faith, no need to think just act. I sat right next to the husband of a new convert and he said my wife gave me you money for busfare. I left the bus with three busfares. When Abraham went to offer Isaac and was about to kill Isaac God says do not do it I have seen that you love me and there was a ram locked in the thicket. There is no way a sheep could have gone up to that height in the mountain it was God who put it there. The work of the pastor is to equip, show you how to do it and let you do it. Give birth to your own and show them how to do it and they in turn will also give birth. When they are no new believers in the church that church is barren. The work of the man of God is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. In other words this is a college. Disciples are called students but you do not remain a student but you must graduate. The Holy Spirit session is for you, not the pastor not the elder, you can lay hands on people and they will speak in other tongues. When we are equipped the church will multiply. Jesus equipped 12 knowing that if they get it right they will change the whole world. 11 guys got it and from there 1 man preached and 3000 repented in one sermon. Baba Guti reproduced himself in the pastors and in the same way the pastor must reproduce themselves in their churches. Whenever Jesus was with the disciples he spoke in plain language, with crowds he used parables because of their level of immaturity. He used stories to attract their attention as they were still in kindergarten but when he was with the disciples he would teach principles, parables were for the crowd. When he was with the disciples he bought bread but with the crowd he multiplied the bread. Wherever you are, in every corner you must become an evangelist and cast out devils there in that cell group. You are not empty no one was born empty. The body without the hand is not complete. The hand plays an important role in the body and if the hand is removed the body will lose its balance. Without you the body suffers you are important. Without the nose even if it does not look nice (it has an important role) the body suffers. The gift of discerning of other spirits is like the nose and it smells the bad stuff and reports to the body you can’t eat this although it looks good. The girl was praising Paul but he discerned she is speaking good words but with the wrong spirit. You might be an eye you see things. You might be the mouth or the ear. You hear things and when there is danger you need the legs to run away. There is no one who is not important in the church or anyone who is born again to sit down. God will not reward you for clapping hands but for service. Find something you can do. When you are praying you are not doing God a favour but yourself, and there is no reward for that only when you are an intercessor. When you sit down we will suffer. We are all members of each other and we support each other. No wonder why the language that works in the church is love for it is the only one that can bring the body together. When you pray this year pray for an area where you can say I can do it. Find an area or something that you can do in the house of God. Are they all apostles no, are they all teachers no, find an area where you can serve God best. There is always an area where you can serve the Lord. If you can dance just dance and do not sing. Do not try to do everything or what you cannot do. No one should come to the church and sit they must be busy. When people are sitting that is when they talk. Footballers have no time to talk as they play the game, but the best commentators are the sitted spectators who always criticize and feel they are good coaches. When you are busy you have less time of talking and you do not fight. All of us are responsible for the building of the church of God. Do not say they should be doing it like this but say we should be doing it like this. Nehemiah said come let us build. Some people think they are not good at anything but there is something you can do. For us to be effective and affect the city of Cape Town we must identify our areas. If you are a discipline of Jesus Christ were are the fish. Once you find you area develop it. You have referred people to the doctor why not church, to sales at Shoprite why not to Jesus. If God is good why then are you embarrassed to talk about him to your friends? We would want to see this place crowded by people this year and you are part of the team to make that happen. Our vision this year is to have 2 or 3 services on Sunday. Jesus never said pray for sinners, he says the harvest is plenty and read but pray for the labourers. We do not pray for sinners we harvest them. Imagine what will happen in heaven when you bring a sinner to God every day. There must be a reason why you are living and you must justify it before God. Win souls and you will be rewarded. My God. Our God is a very good God. What deep words coming from the great Apostle. Saints of God, we must be equipped for the work of this great ministry, the work of God. Our God is a good God. Let us pray for our District Pastors Luvy and Praise Mlilo who are back in the mother city and are fully charged for the year and for the great patriarchs of our time Apostles Ezekiel and Eunor Guti. Our God is a good God.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 14:43:51 +0000

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