Saints of God, If you were not at church last Friday you missed - TopicsExpress


Saints of God, If you were not at church last Friday you missed a powerful release of the word of God and the distribution of promotion, authority, acceleration by the man of God in this city our District Pastor Luvy Mlilo. He shared on the message It is possible not to worry Phil 4:6 - 7 The apostle Paul is writing to the Philippian church and he shows them it is possible not to worry. He is not telling them not to plan, but he says dont be so anxious about what you cannot change. To worry is to meditate on negative stuff. These are things that are out of your means. A lot of people are not worried about yesterday they only regret yesterday but are worried about tomorrow. The reason they worry about tomorrow is they do not know what tomorrow will be as they do not have enough resources. You are not safe even if you have R1000000 in your account it can be wiped away in a minute. Someone had a new car that was destroyed into a scrap in 30 minutes. People are so anxious and doctors say many sicknesses and diseases are connected to stress. They have to take sleeping tablets in order for them to sleep. There are times you cant sleep because you worry. You are worried about you permit expiring in December but you cant do anything so why worry. Sometimes we are worried about nothing. The bible discourages us from worrying because it is not a solution but a sickness. Your heart does not need to carry anxiety. Every time your worry you are passing a vote of no confidence in the God who provides. Do not worry about anything. It might be money, food, your tomorrow, your children, even about yourself you are also included in the anything. You are not a problem. The antidote of worry is prayer, worry is a sign of prayerlessness. Peter says casting all your burdens unto the Lord because he cares for you. God says everything that is a burden throw it to me. You are tired when you are waking up. Do not carry your burden because you do not have a solution. Jesus cares! You will never know that he cares until you begin to cast. It seizes to be your burden it becomes his burden. Do not make that problem yours, but make it God’s problem.When it is his he will solve it. Let us desist from worry and pray about everything.I applied for my perm res in December and other people said it takes a year and I said I am a different person a child of favour and I got it in 2 and a half months. I applied for an ID and phoned after the second month and they said maybe 6 months and I said thats too far. I said Lord I am sending and angel to whatever office the papers are and put my papers on top. 2 days ago I woke up and said I send angels right now at night to go to that office. As I slept my spirit woke up and went to the home office and I said to them you guys are delaying my papers why. I woke up and 10:45 I got a message saying this is your reference number and in 20 days time it will be ready. Dont worry about what people can say or statistics. As long as you are able to pray about anything present it to God. A decree was issued that on such and such a day whosoever had received this decree must kill the Jews close to them. In every place the decree went to there was fasting and weeping and they said God has the final say. Not your teacher but God, not your manager but God. It is not over until God says it is over. Mordecai was putting on sackcloth and it was told Esther. Instead of worrying they began to pray. You do not need a lawyer you need God. Mordecai told Esther things are not ok because of the decree but we will not let it be so we will pray. Mordecai said if you do not go to the king for us now God will open another way. Your salary is not the only way out of your problem. Never limit God to what you know. If you are not going to help us God will open another way. It might not be well in your company or job but he is able. When what you know has failed it is not God who has failed. BP tablets have not helped you but God has a solution. That man gave up on you but God has somebody with you name on them. God always has the way. There is a way out of your situation. When people fail you God has not failed you. Elijah cried thinking he was the only one left yet God said I have reserved 7000 others. Sometimes the devil may make you look like you are the only boy left in the church but there are others. You might think this is the only solution but deliverance will rise from another corner. The situations do not turn out the way we thought but as long as you are alive there is hope. There might be no man who is my age but God is still on the throne. Peter says we have toiled all night yet Jesus says cast into the deep for a catch. There is hope, hope for you situation, for your children, for your life. There is no way scientifically speaking but there is hope. Move your eyes from ideas and formulas and fix your eyes on God. In the wilderness where there is no river water can come out of a rock. Man’s word is not final but God’s word is final. Mordecai says we cant accept this we cant appeal to any man but there is a Supreme Court in heaven and God is the judge. You might not know how it will happen but I see a turnaround. All things work together for good. There is no office that God cannot enter and no authority that can oppose his authority. It might be in my blood line but God is speaking differently. All the pieces might not be together but we have a God who bypasses processes. He gave Mary a child with no husband. The king of Assyria threatened Hezekiah and Hezekiah took the letter and he went into the temple and said look and you know what he has done and God said he will not even throw an arrow on this city. Jehoshaphat when he was surrounded went into the temple to pray. When you do not know what to do pray. God does not use natural laws he uses supernatural laws. Everything in this world they resort to violence and discussion forums but we make decisions here. We can pray here and God changes the heart of your manager or the president. Heaven is the highest decision making board. We declare what will happen in your life and at your work place. We can declare things to happen. The man of God then declare jobs, permits and victory into the people’s lives. My God, you really need a copy of this sermon that is pregnant with the presence of God, authority and rich teaching. Our God is a good God. I need the man of God to release me to the next dimension, level, and promotion. Let us continue to pray for the servants of God our beloved DPs Luvy and Praise Mlilo and for the great apostles Ezekiel and Eunor Guti. Hallelujah Isaiah 61:9 “Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.”
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:37:07 +0000

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