Salaah is a very important and the highest form of Ibadaah - TopicsExpress


Salaah is a very important and the highest form of Ibadaah (worship), it is so important that on the day of judgement, the first thing that we will have to account for is our salaah. To perform salaah, one has to be in a clean and pure form, this is known as the state of wudhu. But before we get to that, let us first look at the stages of impurities. Najasaat (impurity) is of two types: 1) Najasaate Haqeeqee (which can be seen) 2) Najasaate Hukmee (which cannot be seen) NAJASAATE HAQEEQEE is the uncleanliness that is visible example: urine, stool and blood. Now there are two types of Najasaate Haqeeqee : a) Najasaate Ghaleezah : Heavy types - example : Urine and stool of human beings. b) Najasaate Khafeefah: Light types - example: Urine of Halaal animals. NAJASAATE KUKMEE is the uncleanliness which cannot be seen example : the breaking of wudhu by passing gas, or the need of a bath for hygeneic purposes. There are other things that are in the line of pure and impure. For instance there are foods that most of us may know as halaal food (permissible to eat) , and haraam food (forbidden to eat). Also there are foods that are classed as MAKROOH (disliked) and MAKROOH TAHRIMEE (close to haraam). HALAAL - Permissible MAKROOH - Disliked MAKROOH TAHRIMEE - Close to haraam HARAAM - Forbidden. These categories do not only apply to food, but also to our actions as well. May Allah keep us firm on the right path and help us to consume and do ONLY what is halaal and beneficial to ourselves, and pleasing to Him. Ameen Ya Rabbil Aalameen.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 04:00:26 +0000

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