Salaam , Peace be unto you...The young Gent. as all in their youth - TopicsExpress


Salaam , Peace be unto you...The young Gent. as all in their youth talks from an ideological point of view with pragmatic reasoning on the point of the Masjid, largest in Europe...That some Muslims voice their concerns about how others behave as Muslims in other countries is interesting, having lived for a long time in Pakistan as Saudi , I sometimes hear similar views as he states , and from Saudis how they feel that others seem to have disruptive lives since they fight amongst themselves...why I point this out is that as I feel a) We as Muslims should not accuse each other without knowing the true reality of the other, and if at all we feel we do (The best thing I find in my country is the Peace and happiness we enjoy) for Islam is all about Peace, millions come to the country to perform Haj and Umra , they experience the peace and enjoy the harmony of Muslims here on visit or otherwise i.e. those who live here Muslims or non Muslims...We as Muslims should talk and discuss matters , we have to educate each other, a friend said it well , all about cooperation and not confrontation. Leaders of Islamic countries are to be respected, The Last of The Prophets Sydna Mohammed P.B.U.H. said, we are to follow our leaders as Muslims so that the Ummah should remain united , even if we do not agree with them, let us not forget Saudi Arabia is the largest donor after the U.S. and we have a relatively much less population, King Abdullah has called for and created an Institution on Interfaith dialogue , etc. etc. so we are not to call others by names and show disrespect , Islam is fundamentally based on dialogue , Peace and understanding....May we all be guided to The Path of AlNoor, The Road to Light in the shade of The Rasool Allah and Peace be onto this young man and all the Muslims around the world..... WasSalaam and much love to the families..
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 21:30:58 +0000

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