Salaam alaykum dear brothers and sisters, Words cannot describe - TopicsExpress


Salaam alaykum dear brothers and sisters, Words cannot describe my sadness. It is heartbreaking to know that the physical presence of Imam Sohail will no longer be. The impact he has had on my life continues to be immense. I consider him to be a role model, big brother, uncle, and even a parental figure in my life. I could always count on him. 3 a.m. phone calls, he was there. His responses have always been “how can I help you brother.” He is so enthusiastic about Islam and about making society a better place. He always tried to help. I always found my iman increasing around him. I’ve made major strides in my faith because Allah placed him in my life. I never knew I would become so passionate about Islam. I hope he recognizes my development as well. But even if he doesn’t, Allah knows the impact he has had on me. I’m thankful to Allah to have a rapport with someone of such high character and standards. Yet, I never felt pitied or judged at times when my iman was low. He always pulled me up. As much as he was teaching you, he was learning from you. You may find that hard to believe because of his caliber, but his humility and love for Allah always kept his forehead to the ground of this earth. He has done and been more than I can ever imagine. He was the first person to embrace me at the Islamic Center of Morgantown. I am 23 and I met Imam Sohail when I was 19 years old. The first day I went to the Islamic Center of Morgantown was on a Jummah. I arrived late and as I entered the activities room on the ground floor I heard this amazing voice. My heart melted. Then I entered the prayer room to find this charismatic, charming, competent, and caring figure standing before my eyes. His khutba took my breath away. I cant remember what he said because I was at a point in my life where I was trying to find Allah. But surely, when the khutba ended I pronounced my Shahada confidently. I do remember though waiting for him to walk down the aisle after the salat was over to speak with him. He gently swallowed me in his arms. I was probably in some of my best physical shape at the time but as he approached me, in my mind, I said “masha Allah look at this giant.” Only to find out that physical attributes never meant anything to him. Whether you were his height, taller, shorter, bigger, or smaller it was always the same to him. He constantly reminds you that Allah blesses us all in different ways. He always remembers to mention Allah and credit Him for everything. I am trying to resist my tears writing this. I didn’t tell the story completely because it is worth telling in person. I decided to address this message to the public rather than the Imam directly because I want the world to know how special this man is. Morgantown was lucky to have him for so many years. Insha Allah, Michigan we will even more blessed to have him. Imam Sohail is forever a legend in Morgantown and one of my heroes. You cannot replace a Sohail Chaudhry. Its like Michael Jordan. You know you can find another player to put the ball in the basket but you can’t his package elsewhere. Same thing for Imam Sohail. May Allah grant this world more Sohail Chaudhry’s. We need more Sohail Chaudhry’s. I also owe it to his family, his son rayan (I owe you too many toys and gifts), and his wife Suzzane. Thank you for sharing the Imam with us and the world. I know without your support he would not accomplish all the milestones he has and the ones he contributed to in other people’s lives like me. I hope all of you will make it a priority to attend the farewell on Thursday December 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the Moutainlair (second floor Rhododendron Room) Let’s send the Imam and his family to Michigan with love and a final memory to remember forever. May Allah grant them the best in this life and the Hereafter. May Allah bestow His Highest Generosity on them for their generosity with us. I honestly do not think many people will realize what we are losing until he actually leaves. It is a sad reality. Certainly nothing short of the truth. I have never given a nickname to Imam Sohail. I think I will start calling him “Abdul-Kareem” since he is so generous masha Allah. Now I need to convince Rayan to be just as generous with sharing the Imam with me while he is in Michigan insha Allah. I sincerely love and thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 02:19:24 +0000

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