Salaam to all my friends, the following is the conclusion of my - TopicsExpress


Salaam to all my friends, the following is the conclusion of my submission on how to conquer fear culled from my book Conquering Your Enemy. I hope you will find it inspiring as usual. Barka Jumuah! Nothing demobilizes man more than fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of poverty, fear of suffering, fear of diseases, fear of death and even fear of one’s own shadow. Faith in the Oneness and Omnipotence of God is the greatest weapon to conquer all kinds of fear. It is also the greatest of all healers. Faith is the great universal medicine, which prevents illness, cures illness, builds resistance to further illness, heals and sustains. This kind of absolute or what I call ‘chronic’ faith in one’s Creator would develop in man a self-confident faith in oneself. Self-confident faith is a man-made weapon, which defeats the devil of fear and builds a triumphant life. Apart from having absolute faith in the Oneness and Omnipotence of Allah, striving to live a righteous life is another weapon to conquer fear. It is often said that, ‘a clear conscience fears no recrimination’ meaning that anyone who despises sin, immoralities and indecencies in thoughts, expressions and conducts and tries to struggle against them in his private and public life would be insulated from fear of any kind. Such people would not be threatened by fear of repercussion or retribution. It is to this category of believers that the Quran says, ‘on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve’17. In essence, speaking the truth and living righteously obliterates fear from one’s life and replaces it with peace of mind. The Prophet enunciated this succinctly when he described sin as that ‘which wavers in the soul and moves to and fro in the breast even though people again and again have given you their legal opinion in its favour’ and righteousness ‘as that about which the soul feels tranquil and secured18.’ While it is not abnormal to feel insecure as a result of situations beyond our control, it’s important to always put it at the back of our minds that there is no situation that God does not have absolute control and capability over. Even the fear of death, which appears incurable to many people, can be greatly mitigated and less domineering in our lives if we marry ourselves to its inevitability. The Qur’an says, ‘Every soul must taste death19’ and ‘verily, the death from which you flee will surely catch up with you...20’ Someone observed that the fear of where to spend the eternity may be responsible for the fear associated with death. This may be true to a large extent but ‘whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner with his Lord’21 is the instructive response and antidote to such fear by the Qur’an. It therefore means that righteous living and avoidance of association of partners with God in whatever form are enough armour to shield man from the fear of life after death
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 16:25:02 +0000

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