Salafi Jihadi’s causing mayhem in Syria and Iraq are only at the - TopicsExpress


Salafi Jihadi’s causing mayhem in Syria and Iraq are only at the start of their depredations. They are ruthlessly be-heading their Shia captives so that their souls cannot enter paradise and swarming over government opposition with ease. There will of course, be a price to be paid. In years to come wounded and disabled jihadists will return home and sue the government of the day for not preventing them from going on their murderous quests. Wounded and disabled salafis will want treatment on the NHS and probably get it as well as disability payments. The government of the day will cave in at once to avoid upsetting the Sunni applecart. Don’t be ridiculous” I hear you cry! Yet there are precedents … an asylum seeker from Sierra Leone who had hacked off people’s hands and arms was granted permission to live in Barry after locals raised a petition saying he was not such a bad chap, always very friendly. Murdering Kenyan Mau Mau terrorists are suing the British government for the brutal way they were treated. Charles Taylor, ex African dictator and mass murderer is suing the government for denying him the right to a family life. Meanwhile Nobel Peace Prize holder Barak Hussain Obama is going to send millions of pounds worth of aid to anti Assad forces in Syria. Big clue for you here Barak - those same people who are causing problems in Iraq are the ones causing problems in Syria. Obama reminds me of the Greek king who couldn’t make up his mind whether to back the Greeks or the Persians and so sent his infantry to join the Persians and his cavalry to join the Greeks! You are in effect trying to play both sides. If the Sunni’s get to the top in Syria they will massacre the Alawites and the Christians and you will have what you have got now, dysfunctional chaos. Why did they give you a peace prize? Barak Obama has very little clout in the Islamic world. He is regarded as being of slave blood despite the fact that he came from Kenyan immigrants and not via the slavery route at all. Unfortunately he has the name Barak. Baraka was the prophet’s (PBUH) slave girl who served him all her life. Obama is from a tribe called the Lua who pride themselves on study and achievement although this did not stop the head of Al-Qiada calling him a house slave. Undoubtedly the American’s prestige in the Middle East went through the floor when their ambassador in Benghasi was murdered but the Arab world respects strength not weakness. Those same Salafists who have killed off Iraq may do the same in Afghanistan, we’ll soon see but if I was a teacher in a girl’s school I’d be packing my bags James Cole and Pal
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:28:11 +0000

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