Salam Alaikum dear friends have a wonderful blessed day lets - TopicsExpress


Salam Alaikum dear friends have a wonderful blessed day lets read some more about our beloved Prophet peace be upon him 17 Second Covenant of Aqabah Madinah (Yathrib) was a populated with many tribes, but most important were the tribes of Aus and Khazraj. There was also a separate section of Madinah which was dominated by Jews. As the thirteenth year of Nubuwwah almost finished, seventy Muslims including two women, came to Makkah to perform pilgrimage and to meet Rasoolullah ( sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) at Aqabah. They were specifically sent by the Muslims of Madinah to request Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) to come to them at Madinah. The determined Muslims pledged on hand of Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) that they will sacrifice their lives to protect him and Islam and so would their wives and children. This was the second covenant of Aqabah. Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) chose twelve Muslims of Madinah for the propagation of Islam. Nine of them were from the tribes of Khazraj. After the pledge had been taken.,the Muslims began to leave Makkah and go to Madinah. There were only a few Muslims left in Makkah and Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) waited for Allahs command to leave Makkah. 18 Hijrah to Madinah When the Muslims began to migrate, the leaders of Makkah became worried and wanted to put an end to Islam.They decided to kill Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) and end his mission and work. Rasoolullah ( sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) was told by Jibraeel (Alayhis-salaam) of the enemy plan and was asked to leave for Madinah that very night of the planned assassination. Rasoolullah ( sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) asked Ali (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) to sleep in his bed and also to return the goods of the people he kept in trust. Thereafter, he quietly left the house, not to be seen by anyone.With Abu Bakr (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) made his way towards Madinah. As his enemies were looking for him everywhere, he stayed in the cave of Thowr for three days and nights. The cave of Thowr, situated 2 miles from Makkah served as a place of refuge for Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) and Abu Bakr Siddeeq ( Radhi Allaah Anhu). This cave and the cave of Hira occupy a very impotant place in the history of Islam; one for the Divine call and other for the memorable Migration (Hijrah) When the Makkans found Ali (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) in Rasoolullahs ( sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) ben next morning they were very angry and now they really wanted him more than ever. The Kuffaar of Makkah sent out tracking parties to seize Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laanu alayhi sal-lam) A price of a 100 camels was set out to the capture of Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam). At last, when the search fr the neighbourhood was over and all was clear, they left the cave. Rasoolullah ( sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) and Abu Bakr Siddeeq (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) set out for Madinah. They used unfamiliar paths because they were still being pursued by the enemy. They rested during the day and traveled at night.The rest of the journey was fairly safe and was covered without serious hazards. The year of Hijrah of Rasoolullah (sal-lal-laahu alayhi wa sal-lam) to Madinah, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:02:05 +0000

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