Salam Aleikum Warahmatuh Llahi Wabarakatuh....ladies n gentlemen, - TopicsExpress


Salam Aleikum Warahmatuh Llahi Wabarakatuh....ladies n gentlemen, I have shared this post hoping it will help one or a few of ya out there....Juma Kareem and pray for humanity, peace, well being, health, n wealth plus longevity n paradise, In Shaa Allah....pray for ya, for me, for da Ummah, for our parents n families, neighbors n friends. Bless. Ajaru Khalifah Morning Reminder. Friday. 24th/25th of Rabeeul Awwal. HOW GHUSL (ISLAMIC PURIFICATION OR BATHING) IS PERFORMED. It is highly recommended to perform this ghusul before going for the weekly jumuat. This same ghusul is performed when going for Eid Prayers, Women perform the same after their monthly cycle, after sunnah with your husband or wife etc. First, Wash your private parts properly so that you dont touch them again during the ghusul. Intend in heart to perform ghusl - and say Bismillah. Perform wudhu as usual. Pour water liberally over the entire body, starting from the head through right handside and then the left, ensuring that no part of the body is left untouched by water, including armpits, inside the earlobes, inside the navel, between fingers and toes etc. making sure they are properly washed by rubbing with your hands not just pouring. NOTE: A woman performs ghusl just as the man does, except that if she has plaited hair, she need not undo it. She only needs to throw three handfuls of water over her head or more to wet their plaited her to the skull. After completing the ghusl a person should recite this supplication which is same to the supplication after wudoo(Ablution). Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu, laa shareeka lah, wa ash-hadu anna muhammadan a’abduhu warasooluhu. Allahummaj ‘alni, minuthawaabeena waj’alnee, minal mutathahireen. Meaning O Allah, make me of those who return to You often in repentance and make me of those who remain clean and pure This should be recited outside the bathroom if the bathroom is combined with toilet and shouldnt be loud. Remember to recite suurantul Kahf Quran chapter 18 as recommended by the Prophet. Remember me and my family in your Dua please. May Allah answer our dua as we ask Allah to have mercy on all Muslims under any oppression and in any difficulties. May Allah grant us success on earth towards Paradise. Aameen.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 08:46:47 +0000

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