Salam Today leading newspaper DAWN published a report that - TopicsExpress


Salam Today leading newspaper DAWN published a report that Honorable US Ambassador Richard Olson is quietly telling politicians that “it (USA) would stay neutral if the threatened agitation in the country leads to a government change through “constitutional means”, but would be opposed to a coup.” If this report is true then US is still interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. It suggests that Honorable Ambassador is now operating like a viceroy rather than an envoy of a friendly country. The statement has implication that US could be not neutral and suggest that it can oppose political choice of the Pakistani people. I demand that government should take serious notice of this report and seek explanation why was there a need to issue such kind of statements that can be perceived as interference in domestic affairs. Our politicians are also letting the nation down by seeking advice and consultation with foreign ambassadors about local politics. They should show majority, self-respect and dignity to resolve the political differences on their own rather than seek foreign guarantees for it. I cant put words into the mouth of Honorable Ambassdor but if he had to give statements a more appropriate one would be that US supports democracy and freedom of expression around the world. Although even this statement will not be true as US has intervened in many countries militarily to further its own strategic interest. In other countries they have refused to recognize a coup and supported a military dictator. In some other countries they have out rightly supported dictators without any remorse. In recent months US state department officials have also been distributing food to protestors in Ukraine which ultimately resulted in a civil war like situation and emergence of a new cold war which has the potential to engulf all countries of the region. So we might soon be seeing Honorable US Ambassador giving food to Azadi march participants in the name of democracy and constitutional right of expression. In our history US has supported and recognized almost all military dictators from General Ayub Khan to General Musharraf. So when the current political crisis gets out of hand and produce an undemocratic set up will US not work with it? US decisions are based on regional dynamics and the current situation in the region is such that US would prefer to have a military backed government because it is easy to exploit their lack of moral authority to get things done. Technically US cannot be more concerned about Pakistan than Pakistanis themselves so their decisions will be based on their own strategic interests rather than us. US should realize that its goodwill among the people at large around the world has declined because of these imperialistic expressions of interference. I have lived in US for a long time and find American people compassionate about others; tolerant of diverse cultures; offer complete freedom of religion and do not discriminate with foreigners. But American government unfortunately does not exhibit these same qualities in its conduct and relations with other nations. It is this attitude that has reduced its soft power around the world and in some cases even outright anti-Americanism. If US wants to create a deeper relationship with Pakistan then it has to develop mutual trust, cultural interaction, economic and trade relations; student exchange programs; and regional strategic understanding. If Honorable Ambassador Olson works on these items and leave politics to Pakistani politicians it will be much more constructive and fruitful. Thanks & regards Abdul Quayyum Khan Kundi facebook/Abdul.Quayyum.Kundi twitter/aqkkundi
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:32:26 +0000

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