Salam my respected brothers and sister. Today a father feels so - TopicsExpress


Salam my respected brothers and sister. Today a father feels so proud more than any other day in the whole world and that is when one of his darling daughter comes forward to write an article in defence of he faith. This is what I call an investment a real investment when our children take pride in their faith and work for their Akhira using this world as a harvest ground to reap the rewards of the Hereafter. I am so proud of you Sarah you are a gem baba. Here is the article: Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters, I would like to take a moment of your time to talk about a very common issue that has been raised not only in Australia, but around the world. The other day I did not only come across a very racist and bias opinion of our very own politician Paulin Hanson on her opinions on Islam in this very link; , but also of the closed minded TV host Bill Maher and his guest Sam Harris They begin to discuss the ideology of ISIS and radical Islam. They stereotype Muslims to be all the same, although I shall make evident that the actions of a minority of extremists do not represent Islam in any form of shape. For a moment, may we just ponder at the thought if I was to say every American supported the methodology of the former group the Klu Klux Klan. That would be ridiculous of me to state so, as not all Americans are racist towards our fellow African American brothers and sisters, and nor wish for them to be brutally murdered. But what if I was to argue differently and say that? They would oppose my judgement and claim that I was RACIST and that I was STEREOTYPING. Therefore is it not fair to come to the conclusion that the actions of extremist do not represent the face of Islam? Islam is to be defined as the religion of peace. Around the world the topic of equality is tossed consecutively, but what about the equality of Muslims? I fail to understand why the actions of others are not acknowledged the same way. Suffice to say, if John commits a crime, John gets blamed, but if Abdullah commits a crime Islam gets blamed? Where is the equality in that? This was honestly just an opinion of mine that I thought deserved to be heard. My incentives of bringing up this predicament is not to cause greater issues, rather it is only to spread the word of peace that is fixed in our beautiful religion.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:19:56 +0000

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