Salami: I’m leaving with my honour intact Posted by: Yusuf - TopicsExpress


Salami: I’m leaving with my honour intact Posted by: Yusuf Alli and Eric Ikhiale, Abuja in Featured, News 4 hours ago The outgoing President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Ayo Salami, yesterday said he refused to pervert the court of justice on the Sokoto governorship case, which was brought to the Court of Appeal. He said he had no regret about what he did because the God of truth has vindicated him. Salami, who opened up before a large audience at the NICON Luxury Hotel in Abuja, said a judge must, above all, stand taller than the pressure he is confronted with. He broke his silence on the rift between him and a former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Aloysius Katsina-Alu at the presentation of a book, “Isa Ayo Salami: Through Life and Justice”, in his honour. When Salami mounted the podium, there was pin-drop silence within the audience, which was eager to hear from the key actor in the major conflict, which had plagued the nation’s Judiciary in the last two years. His humble mien added passion to the anxiety of the audience to hear his story. Salami, however, said he resisted pressure from the ex-CJN to disband a panel of the Court of Appeal on Sokoto Governorship election. He said the disbandment of the panel would have offended the principle of the independence of judges which he so much respect and believe in. He said: “I realise the public interest that my feud with the National Judicial Council (NJC) and former Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) Katsina-Alu has generated. “It is obvious that people want to know what the fuss was actually about, and briefly put, this is it. “I was invited by the then CJN, Justice Katsina-Alu to his chambers on the 8th of February, 2010 using Justice Dahiru Musdapher’s phone, and when I got there, I met them together (Justice Musdapher was then next in line to him at the Supreme Court). “He (Katsina-Alu) instructed me to direct the Justices on the Sokoto Appeal to dismiss the appeal of the Democratic People’s Party (DPP) Governorship candidate and I responded that could not do so. “Contrary to the deposition of Justice Katsina-Alu that he called me into his Chambers in respect of leakage in the judgement of Sokoto matter which he gathered from petitions, there were no petitions against me or the Justices in the Sokoto Appeal Panel as at the 8th day of February, 2010 on Sokoto matter or any other matter. “Ironically, the petitions in question only emerged on the 15th day of February, 2010 seven days after I had unequivocally informed the CJN that I would not direct a competent court on what its judgement should be. “After showing me the petition on the 15th February, he asked me to disband the Sokoto Appeal Panel in view of the petitions. I responded that I would not disband the panel as the petitions did not contain any allegation of impropriety against the members. In my response to the petitions, I made known what transpired at our meetings of 8th and 15th February, 2010. “ It was in his own submission to NJC on my response that he now alleged that the reason for calling me was that the judgement in the Sokoto matter had leaked and that he gathered the allegation that the judgement had leaked from the petitions written against me. “The Investigating Panel set up by the NJC under Justice Umaru Abdullahi (former President of the Court of Appeal) rejected his claim that there was allegation of leakage in the petitions as well as his defence that the judgement had leaked. In spite of this they concluded that he was acting in god faith. On this, I won’t say more.” Salami said he was proud to stand before the audience that he did not compromise his integrity. He added: “I thanked Almighty God that I refused to pervert the course of justice. Disbanding the panel or persuading them to dismiss the Appeal was not the right thing to do. It would have offended the principle of the independence of judges which I so much respect and believe in. “As a matter of fact, I will simply say that if I had done what the then Head of the Nigerian Judiciary had wanted me to do, I would not have this honour and if at all this book was published, it would be shameful and hypocritical of me to stand before you and talk about honour and integrity – two things which define a fine judicial officer alongside the grasp of the law. “But I am proud to be here today to talk about these values. I have no regret about what I did and the God of truth has vindicated me. All the NJC committees’ reports have said that Salami did no wrong as well as the report of the Committee set up by the Nigerian Bar Association. This book and this event as I see them are further proofs of such honourable vindication. “It is the fear of God, the ultimate Judge and the desire and principle to adhere strictly to my oath of office that has shaped the kind of judge I was and the reason why I would not bend to ill ideas no matter where they come from. I am very grateful to all you here and those absent today who have stood by me in this very trying period of my life and pray that God will richly reward you.” He advised judges to stand by the truth at all times. He said: “In conclusion, I would say that a judge must, above all, stand taller than the pressure that he would continuously face in the exercise of his duties. If he fails, he fails himself and he fails the society. “If Nigeria must be great, the independence of the judiciary, I believe, should be safeguard not only theoretically but practically be individuals and government.”
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:44:56 +0000

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