Sales Goal vs. Souls Goal Being in the Jamberry loop and seeing - TopicsExpress


Sales Goal vs. Souls Goal Being in the Jamberry loop and seeing so many women telling many women about the product and recruiting other women to join Jamberry and also just seeing other direct sales companies at work through social media, It Works, Thirty got me thinking... About Paul when he was spreading the Gospel... I cant imagine how many people would of known Jesus had he had the resources back then, that we do today. Facebook is an incredible tool, not just because of the obvious massive amount of people and traveling speed, but also how so many open their lives. We all know or can tell when a woman is hurting, struggling to save her marriage or another lost girl is in love every other month, or when someone gets bad health news or loses a loved one of is battling addiction or rejection. I know Im guilty of just continuing to scroll down the newsfeed instead of sending a message of encouragement! But if I call myself a Christian, no matter how busy I am (raising 5 kids, driving to 3 different schools everyday, baseball, la la la) if I have time to be on FB, than I have time to fulfill my purpose in life while Im at it, which isnt to meet a sales goal but to meet a souls goal. Often times when God means for something to bless us financially or build new relationships for His purposes, Satan means to distract and consume us. Ive been so BUSY lately and finding which things to cut out of my day isnt easy! A lot of things are important but theyre not as important. We see on FB the domino effect of silly things like Jamberry, if it can grow by tens of thousands in no time than how much MORE should the body of Christ! My husband is the #10 in the world at what he does. He often says Im selling clean water when really I want to be selling Living Water. Careers are means to support your life, but your life is a means to support His! Dont confuse the two.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 04:27:12 +0000

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