Sales Success Made Simple: Lesson One: The Inner Game of - TopicsExpress


Sales Success Made Simple: Lesson One: The Inner Game of Selling The top 20% of salespeople make 80% of the sales in every industry and in every market. What do they do that makes them more successful than the majority of their peers? It’s simple: they practice high-quality thinking, they maintain a positive self-concept,and they learn to overcome the fears that stop so many other people. This is where ultra-success begins: inside your own mind. If you don’t win the inner game of selling, then you won’t make the sales. Period. Lesson Two: The Development of Personal Power You learn in Lesson One that when you feel good about yourself, your success skyrockets. During Lesson Two, you learn that you feel good about yourself to the degree to which you are in control of your own life. Here’s the good news: YOU are the only one with control over your life. When you discover how implement that control, you become unstoppable in the pursuit of thelife you want — when it comes to sales and everything else. Lesson Three: Personal Strategic Planning for the Sales Professional Strategic planning isn’t just for big corporations — personal strategic planning is the process you use to attain your goals and achieve your objectives. If you don’t control your destiny by creating and implementing a detailed plan, someone else will. During this lesson, you discover exactly how to create a strategic plan, based on what is most important to you, so you can begin achieving anything and everything you want to. Lesson Four: The Heart of the Sale The entire process of selling today is more complex than it has ever been. As I mentioned earlier, today’s economy has created a completely different climate — in which strong salesperson-customer relationships are absolutely essential. This is the heart of the sale, and in this lesson, you discover several must-have toolsand techniques for building relationships that lead to sales. Lesson Five: Building Long-Term Relationships Once you’ve forged a new relationship, the next step is to maintain a long-term relationship. The way customers feel about you is often the determining factor in whether you make a sale. So how can youearn their trust? In this lesson, I reveal exactly what you must do to build relationships that last —from adopting the right mindset to exponentially increasing your credibility. When you do, your sales soar. Lesson Six: Prospecting Power I’ve been known to say that it takes 50 “no’s” to get to a “yes.” But you can dramatically improve that ratio by seeking quality prospects. Quality prospects are those who are more likely to buy, whose situation makes them easy to visit and service, and who is well-connected and can provide you referrals. It’s not about quantity; it’s about quality. When you build a base of high-quality prospects, you leverage your resources. Lesson Seven: Filling Your Sales Pipeline During Lesson Six, you learn howto determine whether a prospect is high-quality and worthy of your time. During Lesson Seven, then, you learn exactly how to find high-quality prospects so your pipeline is always full. From doing the groundwork yourself to a provensystem for getting referrals, you discover that finding high-quality prospects isn’t difficult — but it IS essential to become exceptional at sales. Once you have a full pipeline, you must PLAN: be prepared to sell the prospect on the idea of giving you face time. Lesson Eight: The Profession of Selling As a salesperson, you have one of the most important jobs in society — everything in our economy is determined by the level of sales, one way or another. For that reason, your aim should be to become a professional — implementing a specific methodology and practice. It’s your attitude and activities that determine whether you make selling a simple occupation or a profession. Once you make the decision to become a professional, slight improvement in each of the vitalsales functions can easily doubleyour income. Lesson Nine: Motivating People to Buy Selling complex products to complex people in competitive markets is one of the most difficult and challenging things you will ever do. To excel at it, you’ve got to learn to define exactly how your product will filla need in your prospect’s life. The first step: listen to what your prospect REALLY wants (not what you THINK they want). During this lesson, you learn which words to cue in on, so you can find the REAL motivation behind the buying decision — and use it to make a sale. Lesson Ten: Influencing the Buying Decision This is where it all begins: did you know the sale is often madeor lost within the first 30 seconds? You MUST create a positive impression immediately. If you don’t, it’s unlikely you’ll close the sale, no matter how great your product and sales skills are. From the clothes you wear to the pen you use, you must count on your prospect noticing everything about you — and filing it away for decision-time. During this lesson, you learn how to create agreat first (and lasting) impression. Lesson Eleven: Making Persuasive Presentations — Part One Your ability to make effective presentations is the critical factor in making sales and making more money. Think you’re good at presentations? Whether you are or not, you goalshould be to improve continuously, period, because a single mistake during a presentation can cost you the sale. During this lesson, you learn exactly what your sales presentations should include (and what they shouldn’t) so youincrease your odds of making a sale, every time. Lesson Twelve: Making Persuasive Presentations — Part Two Did you know that the first 15 words out of your mouth set the stage for the entire sales conversation? This means you must choose your words carefully. During some of the previous lessons, we cover building trust and maintaining relationships. During this lesson, though, you learn how to strike the right balance between personal and business conversation so you build rapport while still maintaining a focus on the product you’re selling as a solution to your prospects’ need. Lesson Thirteen: Answering Objections Clearly Objections come up in almost every sales conversation. You must be prepared for the likelihood that your prospect will have questions unanswered, concerns unresolved and objections to be overcome. More than that, you must welcome objections — they indicate interest and tell you how well you’re doing in thesales process. Handled incorrectly, they can kill a sale. On the other hand, when you handle them correctly, they simply become an opportunity for you to give your prospect more information. Lesson Fourteen: Closing the Sale You’ve completed most of your journey: you made the call, set the appointment, and made yourpresentation. But nothing’s happened until you’ve closed the sale. You may not realize this, but less than 10% of salespeople persist in their efforts long enough for a sale to take place. A huge majority of sales — 90% - take place after the fifth call and the fifth attempt of the salesperson to ask for the order. It’s not the stars’ alignment that determineswhether you get a close — it’s the systematic meeting of specific requirements, and you can ensure this happens.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:41:40 +0000

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