Salis B. Salis wrote: I would like to be objective enough to - TopicsExpress


Salis B. Salis wrote: I would like to be objective enough to acknowledge the beauty u created through those lines. But i disagree with the ideas. U see Jon, the so called early marriage does not need to be legalised because it was not illegal before. It has always been LEGAL under the Nigerian constitution. There are three types of marriages recognised by law in Nigeria: 1. Traditional marriage regulated by various customary laws of various Nigerian communities. 2. Marriage under islamic law regulated by the sharia. The above two marriages are polygamous and can take place at any age thereby permitting the so called early marriage. The constitution does not give National assembly the power to make any law regarding these two types of marriages. If they want to have a say on this they wil have to amend the constitution to give themselves the power to do so. 3. English marriage ( the so called christian or church marriage), this the marriage under the Act which is monogamous and the spouse must be a major as obtained under the Nigerian law. U can imagine my suprise when people begin to say the senate is legalising underage marriage when they have no power to do so as regard traditional and islamic marriages. While for English marriage, it is already the law that it is monogamous and the spous must reach the age of majority.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:24:37 +0000

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