Salon e-mail 2/22/14 From Puritans to Ken Ham: The long history - TopicsExpress


Salon e-mail 2/22/14 From Puritans to Ken Ham: The long history of creationism in America Modern-day creationist rhetoric has its roots in the Puritan desire to make America into a City of God By Jarret Ruminski. In the annals of great American nuttiness, the recent live-streamed creation vs. evolution debate between former kids’ television host and all-around mega-egghead Bill Nye and Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham will forever hold a distinguished place. Held on February 4 at the Petersburg, Ky., Creation Museum, which serves as the flagship enterprise for Ham’s Christian fundamentalist Answers in Genesis ministry, the science vs. religion smackdown showcased two competing theories about the origin and nature of life that have come to shape much of the sociopolitical discourse in modern America. It’s unlikely that the debate ultimately changed any minds, but it did demonstrate a long-running historical theme that has made the U.S. fertile ground for the belief that God created humankind with a providential purpose. Since the days when the Puritans first arrived on its shores, Americans have believed that their nation was specially ordained by God to create a perfected society on earth untainted by the sins of the Old World. The origins of the simultaneously maligned and revered notion of “American Exceptionalism” can be found in the earliest Puritan attempts to forge a Godly society out of America’s supposedly uncivilized landscape, and this early attempt at creating heaven on earth made the U.S. susceptible to creationism. - - Creationists are willing to fight for that elusive America-as-city-of-God, even if doing so means looking ridiculous in the process. Bill Nye may have “won” the most recent creation vs. evolution debate on factual grounds, but for people like Ken Ham, facts are inconvenient obstacles to what they see as greater, if utterly absurd, higher truths. So don’t expect Ham and his Creation Museum to go away any time soon. History shows that their kind will continue to thrive on the margins of a society that welcomes those with big, if crazy, visions for America and the world. John Winthrop would no doubt be proud. Since 1900 and our High Tech Science Knowledge, Humans today Know, that Humans can fly in Space like the Gods. And Know Humans can Colonize a Planet like God did in Genesis 1,2. And Humans in the USA did bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki like the God with Abraham did Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19, with fire from heaven. Nothing Supernatural about that in 2014! And Jesus a Virgin Male Alive in Heaven Space, with the Alive Human Being God in Genesis 1,2? Humans should have started a High Tech Science Translation of the Old Testament in the 1900s. Why Not? The Bible and many other Religious Books and Myths have all types of High Tech Science Events in them! Books were written about this High Tech Science in Chariots of the Gods and many other Books in the 1900s. But still no High Tech Science Translation? Why? So far No One can Separate the Peace God from the Killer God in all that Past Human History? Since Human Beings have been flying around the world like God did, but still do not Translate their Holy Supernatural Religions and Myth Past Human Histories? Why Not? If Religious Humans cannot do This, How about a High Tech Science Human Movement to Translate the Holy Bible and all the Past History handed down in Man-Made Religions and Myths Planetwide in 2014? Starting with The Colonization of Earth in Genesis 1 in the Holy Bible in 2014! Amen and Amen! So Be It!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:36:52 +0000

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