Salutations, to all respected members of the group; I trust - TopicsExpress


Salutations, to all respected members of the group; I trust everyone is having a wonderful evening. Today, I would like to talk about in DETAIL about the Dharna. So what is is this Dharna for actually? What is the Agenda? Contrary to popular belief and opinion, It is to protest the Election Rigging and Stolen Mandate. Does anyone here honestly believe that Imran Khan would have been the Prime Minister, if the Mandate was not Stolen? Of course, youd believe without any shadow of doubt that he would have definitely been the PM. I respect the sentiments and passion, the followers of Imran Khan have for his agenda and what he aspires to do, but let us now together apply some critical thinking and look into some real facts and figures: During the 2013 Elections, it has been on recorded with the Election Commission that 93 NA candidates of PTI lost their security deposits due to polling less than 12 percent of the total vote cast; Let it be known, that there was so dangling alleged there, and PTI did not contest in 43 NA seats, makes makes a total of 136 out of 272 NA seats. Having not contested in 136 seats, dear members, I would like to know that how could they have formed a govt if they did not contest more than 50 percent of the total seats? They have 33 seats now, and have made 30 election tribunal appeals, out of which 18 have been decided (mostly against them). Even if they had won half of those 30 seats they would still have 58 seats and would be in the same position as today, perhaps just one of the opposition parties Nawaz Sharif? How can Nawaz Sharif be blamed for the rigging, he was not in Govt then; The Chief Election Commissioner was Imran Khans choice, as was Sethi in Punjab or have people forgotten? So what is this Dharna about then? I believe all this farce is to get an early election to cash on the hate element after the Model town Massacre. Oh and about the Model Town Massacre, which people always want to bring up : 10 people and died, not 14. Twenty five people, received bullet injuries, others were minor injuries in scuffle with police. 24 policemen were injured too; the maulvis fought pitched battles with police, after instructions by TUQ to die defending the barricades outside his house. Encircled band of inspectors and juniors opened fire trying to protect themselves when constable Amjad had a broken leg and fell down. They mistakenly thought he was dead, and then a inspector snatched a gun from the guard of an SP and fired into the advancing crowd, after that it was a no control situation. The CM was in a health dept meeting, and he was told of what transpired through IG and a Doctor. He immediately ordered to withdraw. Such facts are never brought to light, incompetence was alleged by the investigating high court judge, Imran Khan decided to cash on the hate generated otherwise he was mire or less quiet for one year after the elections because he knew he had lost fair and square except for the 4 seats. Respected members, do probe into matters and think about it; I always encourage everyone to apply critical thinking and to ALWAYS research and get to know the facts, before engaging in a debate.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:37:29 +0000

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