Saluting the boss boss is MUCH EASIER to reconcile with the Law - TopicsExpress


Saluting the boss boss is MUCH EASIER to reconcile with the Law Enforcement Officers Oath of Honor - lets see how law enforcement officers conduct themselves at the fallen NYPD Officers funeral tomorrow. NYC mayor, commissioner saluted when entering slain officers wake: A heros funeral is about grieving, not grievance, Bratton wrote in a memo to be read on police roll calls over the weekend. The funeral is set for Sunday. : I have a HUGE problem with NYPD and other officers who turned their backs on mourners and people the family asked to speak during the funeral of a fallen NYPD officer. Officers turned their backs on the Mayor of NYC, ie their boss’ boss. This kind of attitude is a breeding ground for all the bad actions of non-honorable and non-respectable officers. They don’t give a shit about the citizens, family members of law enforcement officers or their bosses. nydailynews/new-york/cops-turn-backs-de-blasio-ramos-eulogy-article-1.2058059. SHOOTING DOGS DOES NOT INSTILL PUBLIC TRUST IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT TRUST INTO THE CITIZENRY. Link to short video of 1st National Freeze Dont Shoot (FDS) March on State Capitols Across the Country October 25, 2014: https://youtube/watch?v=swS_4Sk3j3k. 2nd National FDS March on April 25, 2015 (see below for more info on FDS and PUPPYCIDE prevalence). Law Enforcement Oath of Honor ( and google search results on “law enforcement oath of honor https://google/#q=law+enforcement+oath+of+honor) LE Oath of Honor Video: youtube/watch?v=uUDczg27Fl4 and google search results on “law enforcement oath of honor video” https://google/#q=law+enforcement+oath+of+honor+video “On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution my community and the agency I serve.” Honor means that ones word is given as a guarantee. Betray is defined as breaking faith with the public trust. Badge is the symbol of your office. Integrity is being the same person in both private and public life. Character means the qualities that distinguish an individual. Public trust is a charge of duty imposed in faith toward those you serve. Courage is having the strength to withstand unethical pressure, fear or danger. Accountability means that you are answerable and responsible to your oath of office. Community is the jurisdiction and citizens served (Definitions from: of-Honor) Public Outrage is a signal that BETRAYAL of the PUBLIC TRUST has occurred in your COMMUNITY and you are ACCOUNTABLE, for now your HONOR, INTEGRITY and COURAGE are in question. SHOOTING DOGS DOES NOT INSTILL PUBLIC TRUST IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT TRUST INTO THE CITIZENRY. There are many, many more members of the citizenry, ie, those who pay the salaries of law enforcement, in the United States than there are members of law enforcement. When the Public cannot reconcile law enforcement actions [PUPPYCIDE: https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-YZcBq5BJY or disrespect at a Fallen NYPD Officer’s funeral: nydailynews/new-york/cops-turn-backs-de-blasio-ramos-eulogy-article-1.2058059. or insert any other example not consistent with the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor], PUBLIC OUTRAGE DEVELOPS. According to Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission Executive Director, Michael Tobin, Even one dog shooting generates so much outrage that it can take years to repair the damage to community relations. It was a discovery request in a dog shooting law suit case that uncovered the extent of the dog shootings in Milwaukee. Frequently, this information is extremely difficult for members of the public to obtain, even with Freedom of Information Act Requests. ronpaulforums/showthread.php?453341-Milwaukee-police-shoot-kill-dozens-of-dogs-each-year (if link doesnt work, Google search results: https://google/search?q=One+Bad+Shooting+That+Takes+Years+to+Repair %3A++Milwaukee+Fire+and+Police+Commission&ie=utf-8&oe=utf- 8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb) LAW ENFORCEMENT NEEDS CITIZENRY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM. Could areas where there is lack of public trust in law enforcement be easy targets? 2013: BRENNAN CENTER FOR JUSTICE: NATIONAL SECURITY AND LOCAL POLICE by Michael Price The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that seeks to improve our systems of democracy and justice. “Losing the trust of its community is easy for a police department that strays far from its longstanding mission of serving the public. This can be counterproductive for both crime fighting and counterterrorism...” pdf ***************************************** PLEASE JOIN FREEZE DONT SHOOT (FDS) for a WIN-WIN-WIN for DOGS-CITIZENS-LAW ENFORCEMENT - become a member of the FDS Facebook page for YOUR state - LINKS to state pages at: https://facebook/events/1387273054897347/?ref=22 FREEZE DONT SHOOT (FDS) APRIL 25, 2015 NATIONAL MARCH #2 https://facebook/events/1387273054897347/?ref=22 VIDEO OF FREEZE DONT SHOOT NATIONAL MARCH HELD AT STATE CAPITOLS ACROSS AMERICA ON OCTOBER 25, 2014: Short version: https://youtube/watch?v=swS_4Sk3j3k Full Version: https://youtube/watch?v=soTx-zD-XTU Freeze Dont Shoot Facebook page https://facebook/FreezeDontShoot.JusticePagesUnited FREEZE DONT SHOOT VIDEOS: Youtube search results on freeze dont shoot https://youtube/results… PUPPYCIDE Database Project: While there are websites that track court records for animal cruelty criminal charges like pet-abuse, until now there has been no comprehensive national or even state-wide database tracking the killing of animals by law enforcement personnel while on the job. This has left the scope of the problem up for debate. Facts have not been readily available, allowing police to minimize the killing of pets as a rare neccessity and preventing journalists from challenging those claims. The purpose of this site is to solve that problem by collecting information on every recorded shooting of an animal by US law enforcement. This project is run by a small, but highly dedicated, group of journalists, engineers, students, lawyers and researchers. https://puppycidedb/ HumanityForOthers Video1 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims youtube/watch… HumanityForOthers Video2 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims not in Video1 youtube/watch?v=kXTmlZvXxv8 Pages with Links to Facebook pages of PUPPYCIDE victims cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html AND https://facebook/notes/695738733833790/ The PUPPYCIDE page from Animal Voices includes links to PUPPYCIDE publications from professional law enforcement sources and national animal welfare organizations: animal-voices/puppycide/ Webpage with links to numerous PUPPYCIDE articles furbyshouse/Dogs-Shot-By-Police.html Dogs Shot by Cops: https://facebook/groups/357653880997442/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:30:26 +0000

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