Salvation Through Lord Jesus Christ ... Jesus Christ’s - TopicsExpress


Salvation Through Lord Jesus Christ ... Jesus Christ’s Position Jesus existed before the world.Jn1:1-15;17:5,24;He7:3. He will not change. He13:8 Jesus is not just God’s son, but God’s one & only begotten Son. Jn3:16,18;1Jn4:9 Jesus was and still is 100% God & man in one person.Php2:5-8;Rm9:5;He1:9;2:17 -8;4:15;1Cr15:21. The Father is in Him yet didn’t become Him.Jn14:10-26;15:1 He never sinned. He submitted, was tested, suffered, tempted, & learned obedience. 2Cor5:21;He2:10,18;4:15;5:7-9;9:26;12:2;Rm1:3-4;5:15-19;Jn8:46;12:49;Php2:8;1Pet1:19 He is the image of God.2Cr4:4;Co1:15;2:9. We see the Father thru Him.Jn14:7-10 Jesus was anointed, filled, led, & empowered by the Holy Spirit. Lk4:1,18;Ac10:38 He’s the firstborn of all believers, both in precedence & as the first man resurrected in glory.~Ps89:27;Rm8:29;Col1:15,18;He1:6;12:23;Re1:5;~1Cr15:20-23 This same Jesus was physically resurrected and will physically, visibly, & personally return in power & glory.Mt24:27-30;Jn2:19-21;20:26-7;Ac1:9-11;Rv1 Jesus’ Christ’s Mission The Lamb of God.Jn1:29;1Pet1:19 came to serve, give His life as a ransom Mt20:28, to reveal God, to taste death for all, to destroy Satan’s work 1Jn3:8, give abundant life Jn10:10, save sinners 1Tm1:15, save the world Jn3:17, be a sin offering Rm8:3, reconcile.Ep2:13-18 thru His blood on the cross. Jn1:29; He10:19 testify to the truth Jn 18:37; atoning sacrifice 1 Jn 3:8;4:10 Jesus purifies us from ALL unrighteousness 1Jn1:9, saving completely, not just spiritually, by the sacrifice of His body&blood.He7:25;10:14-20;Php3:21;Rm8:32 After completing His mission, Jesus ascended to heaven & is now at the right hand of God. Ac2:33;7:55-6;Col3:1;He1:13;1Pt3:22;Ps110:1;Mt22:44;26:64 Christ tasted death for everyone (not angels though He2:16). He is the Savior & ransom for all 1Jn 2:2;He2:9;1Tm 2:6. On the other hand, He saved & ransomed only the called. He9:15,28;Mt20:28;Mk10:45;1Tm4:10 Our Salvation Through Him only Never forget we were bought at a price, Jesus’ blood. 1Cr6:20;7:23;2Pt2:1;Ac20:28 We must believe & confess that Jesus is Lord to be saved. Rm10:9-13;1Pet1:23 We must call on the Lord to be saved. Ac2:21;22:16;Joe2:32;1Cr1:2;Zp3:9 It is a gift of grace, not earned by works. No merit on our part can save us.Ep2:8-9; 2Tm1:9;Tt3:5;Ac26:20;Rm3:23-24;4:5;6:14-15;9:32;11:5-6;Ga3:2,3,10-14 Real faith bears fruit, because faith without works is dead. Jms2:14-26;~1Jn3:17-19 All true believers work to obey God & express love for God & people. 1Jn3:14-15 Believers can be confident of their eternal life. 1Jn4:17;5:11-19;3:24;4:13;Ep3:12 God not only saves us, He also seals & preserves us. Ep1:13-14;Jud24;1Tm1:14 Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:05:29 +0000

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