Salāt is the most important and basic action in Islām. This is - TopicsExpress


Salāt is the most important and basic action in Islām. This is one of the ways to benefit directly from the Power of Allāh Ta’ālā. It is a part of fulfilling the Commandments of Allāh Ta’ālā in the way of Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu ‘alaihi wassalam. This post is intended to remind everyone of the dangers of abandoning one of the major obligatory acts (performing salāt) that Allāh has bestowed upon us Muslims, indeed, salāt was the first commandment that Allāh has ordained us to act upon. Allāh says in the Qur’ān: “Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, and establish salāt and give zakat, their reward is with their Rabb(Sustainer & Cherisher), and neither fear shall come upon them, nor will they grieve.” 2:277 Indeed in the sayings of our beloved Nabi Muhammad ﷺ there came upon warnings and reminders of not abandoning salāt; [1] ‘Abdullāh ibn-Qurt (RA) narrates that Muhammad ﷺ said; “On the Day of Judgment, the first thing a slave of Allāh will be held accountable for is salāt. If it is found sound and satisfactory, the rest of his deeds will also be sound and satisfactory, and if found corrupt and rotten, then the rest of his deeds will also be corrupt and rotten.” [2] ‘Abdullāh ibn-‘Amr (RA) narrates that one day Muhammad ﷺ mentioned salāt and said; “For him who remains mindful of his Salāt, it will be a light and an argument in his favour and a means of his salvation on the Day of Judgement; and for him who is not mindful of his Salāt, there shall neither a light, nor an argument in his favour, nor a means for his salvation. And on the Day of Judgement, he will be with Fir’aun, Haman and Ubayy ibn-Khalaf.” Note: Fir’aun was the king of Egypt at the the time of Mūsā ‘Alaihissalām, Hāmān was his minister, and Ubbay ibn-Khalaf was an ardent idolater and adversary of Radūlullāh Sallallāhu ‘alaihi wassalam. [3] Ibn-‘Umar (RA) narrates that Muhammad ﷺ said; “There is no (perfect) Imān for one who has no trustworthiness, and there is no Salāt for one who has no Wudhū, and there is no Deen for one who has no Salāt. The status of Salāt in Deen is like the status of the head in a body.” [4] Jābir ibn ‘Abdullāh (RA) narrates: I heard Muhammad ﷺ saying; “Between man and (his entering into) polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of Salāt.” Note: Scholars of Islām have offered several explanations to this hadīth. One is that a person who abandons Salāt becomes increasingly arrogant and bold in committing sins, which may endanger his faith. Another explanation is that the one who abandons Salāt runs the risk of an evil end. [5] Abdullāh ‘ibn ‘Abbas (RA) narrates that Muhammad ﷺ said; “He who abandons Salāt shall meet Allāh in a state that Allāh will be very angry with him.” [6] Naufal ibn Mu’awiya (RA) narrates that Muhammad ﷺ said; “The person who missed even one Salāt is as though he has been deprived of his entire family and wealth.” And let us remind each otherof what Allāh says in the Qur’ān about salāt; “Verily Salāt restrains (oneself) from immorality and all that is forbidden.” 29:45 _____ Indeed, it is true that through our consistency in our salāt we find that solace that we need, we find no time doing what is forbidden because we keep busy ourselves in dhikr and worship. So provoke, convince and nag yourself to perform your daily prayers, be constant with it, be connected with it and you will be at your happiest state, knowing that you have pleased Allāh. in sha Allāh and we pray with what Ibrahim ‘alaihissalaam used to pray; “O my Rabb! Make me an establisher of Salāt, and from my descendent also. Or Rabb! And accept my du’ā!” 14:40 May Allāh guide us to that path leading to Him, that we give in ourselves in complete worship and remembrance of Him. Insha Allāh. Ameen.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 08:42:30 +0000

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