Sam Mugzzi shared Jizo Hodos photo. 54 minutes ago · Hope they - TopicsExpress


Sam Mugzzi shared Jizo Hodos photo. 54 minutes ago · Hope they are drafting the arrest warrents or saving a tree for these ppl. Have you ever wondered why we are having such a hard time winning the battle against Monsanto here in the US? This may be part of the problem! — with Bill Duggan and 9 others. John Wanoa I agree Sam it has to be Admiralty Law to stop them because thats Martial Law OBAMA is using for their Corporate Business Protection and not to protect Americans! Thats what Admiralty Law was set up to do to Protect the British Crowns Business by Making Admiralty Law Mortgage Law and Declaration of Independent War Law on the enemy which they class as Americans who Violate the King of the Sea Law! Hence Monsanto is one of their Corporations under Admiralty Law of the Sea operating on Dry Land. Trouble is this so called ship is Amphibious! And it set itself up on Capital Hill. Moai is facing them with Admiralty King Sealed Documents that have the Bank Mortgage Lien Debtors Document Authenticated Seal and Crown Flag Sovereign of the King of the Sea. America US Federal State does not have this Seal rather they only have a Boat Paddle for their Supreme Court Jurisdiction hardy worth anything than a Token Fake Document of Hollywood Flattery Jurisdiction. A real Con just like the Monsanto Seeds they are sowing. Fake! Moai Crown King William IV Court Flag Seal Cited Private Prosecutions against Obama Abusing this Silent King of the Sea Admiralty Law of Britain is a King Mans Law not a Queen Elizabeth II Law he is Using. She is not a Real Admiral of the Fleet in the Sea and nether is Obama Impostor of a King of the Sea Rear Admiral First Lord High Commander and Chief! Can you see why I have these Sealed Documents of the King William IV King of the Sea that Moai Criown Confederation is the Commercial Bank Trading Business Partner to! Have that Seal Jurisdiction to have him and the whole Federal State Government thrown out! Here are those Seals and Flags he cant Refute. So Moai Crown CITE in our New Zealand Prime Minister first then Obama. https://facebook/jizo.hodo Have you ever wondered why we are having such a hard time winning the battle against Monsanto here in the US? This may be part of the problem! — with Donnie Casto II, David Schore, Will B Awake, Retsuzen Shikata, Bill Duggan, Sarah Coffey, Bah FacYou, Jeremy Cook, Tom Rault and Michelle Whitney. Like · · Share Karen Rambat and 85 others like this. 2,110 shares Mohamed Ibrahim Kharob I thought corruption exists in Arab countries only June 5 at 5:17am via mobile · Like · 1 Retsuzen Shikata Tides are turning now for this evil. There time here is numbered. June 5 at 5:24am · Like · 1 Jennifer Payne This should illegal - conflicts of interest. June 5 at 5:51am via mobile · Like · 6 Cathy Wyman I see a trend here. June 5 at 7:07am · Like Jeremy Cook Its not just Monsanto. The oil industry has its people in the Dept of Interior. The bankers run the Treasury and the Fed. Our government is rampant with corporate corruption. It will take most of the population taking to the streets to remove this tarnish from our government. More and more people are waking up, but we are nowhere near the critical mass needed to solve the problem. We must change ourselves and be the change, then others will have an example to follow. June 5 at 9:42am via mobile · Like · 7 Jizo Hodo We the people are the money that gives the power to all these corporations. We can take it back by being aware for how and to whom we give our money to. Your right Jeremy we have a long way to go, but at leat we are moving in a direction of positive change. June 5 at 9:46am · Like · 6 Tom Rault We have to realize this evil can only be conquered by cool reasoning. First we have to elect a dem majority in the House. Second we have to choose a POTUS either Hillary of ( better maybe) Elizabeth Warren. And yes, I know, we all know, this is not perfect. But it is the most efficient way of rolling back this tide of fascism. In the meantime mass protests against Monsanto and the like are useful but have to be supplemented by voting. But after a dem majority in the House and the Senate then the work of lawgiving can begin. June 5 at 11:01am · Like · 2 Roy Hurley Coup detat. June 5 at 2:44pm · Like · 2 Lane Eddington Di Blasi You think thats bad check out Eli Lilly.... October 23 at 7:44pm via mobile · Like Scott Hoggatt wow Tom, you did look at this list right ? hillary clinton is one of them. Obama placed one of them as dep. director of the FDA. Most of or all the dems and repubcons are working for these evil companies, thats how they get elected. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Stop voting for evil. October 23 at 8:15pm · Like · 1 Deb Thurston no incumbents!!! October 23 at 9:59pm · Like Fred Gault Alot of Ds on the List Tom...Your plan goes down the wrong path.... October 24 at 4:44am · Edited · Like Gillian M. Wadds Im speechless! And in despair for the worlds - and our grandkids - future. October 24 at 11:55am · Like Gregorio Ayala Holy s***t! October 24 at 4:06pm via mobile · Like Jeff Nichols If any one still trusts the government after seeing this , they may never wake up. October 26 at 1:54am · Like Seth Bendfeldt Every one gets 2 checks, unless duel citizenship then 3 checks October 26 at 2:38am via mobile · Like Seth Bendfeldt Arab countries, do not have correption, as every one works for the same company.. October 26 at 2:55am · Like Seth Bendfeldt The king. October 26 at 2:55am · Like Seth Bendfeldt The King Is Lord.. October 26 at 2:55am · Like Seth Bendfeldt If the USA had Arab rules, none could raise there right hand, as they would not have one.. October 26 at 2:56am · Like Susan Schwendiman I missed it, what does an Arab nation have to do with this? October 26 at 10:26am · Like Claire Ducharme we are so f**ked October 27 at 8:16am · Like · 1 Sara Markis Legally FORECLOSED https://facebook/photo.php... October 27 at 12:13pm · Like · 2 Bah FacYou ^yes! October 27 at 5:03pm · Like Tom Rault 2014! 2016! To at least make a start of remaking the country! October 27 at 8:38pm · Like · 1 Ian Paul Sinclair So, what you are saying is, when Mexico banned genetically modified corn, which is actually a toxic pesticide, they are risking military action by the USA. October 28 at 5:18am · Like Phoenix Hocking Now, this is scary. October 28 at 12:30pm · Like · 1 Robert William Smith Criminals 23 hours ago via mobile · Like Cindy Barry Bad 15 hours ago via mobile · Like Suzanne Harthcock anymore questions? the answers are right here! 13 hours ago · Trent Blake Shelton https://facebook/mugzzi
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 02:37:46 +0000

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