Sam update: Firstly, thank you to everyone one who texted or - TopicsExpress


Sam update: Firstly, thank you to everyone one who texted or posted well-wishes and asked how he was doing. He really seems fine other than the fact that this fever just wont go away, but it means a lot to see so many people express concern over my little guy. Basically he had a fever on and off for 4 out of the last 5 days. Kept thinking it was fine then it would come back around 4pm almost every time. When I realized how many days it has been, I decided I better take him to the pediatrician tomorrow (which is today), thinking maybe it was an ear infection again (when he had one at 2 years old the symptoms were nearly identical and he never complained that his ears hurt even when I asked him, and he has not been saying they hurt him this time either), but literally seconds after I decided that, he told me his back hurt on the lower left side where his kidneys are and that he didnt bonk it. So I called the after hours line for our pediatrician and she said she recommended taking him to Urgent Care right away to be safe. After waiting about three or three and a half hours, they finally had him to stop and then we went to go sit back down. Once we finally got into the actual exam room things went a bit quicker but the problem was that everything they tested him for ( section, ear infection, and strep throat) kept coming back negative so it still took a long time. At the end she basically said she has no good reason for his fever and that I should just take him to the pediatrician within the next two days to see if they can figure it out. So more waiting and more money is necessary and that 4 and a half hours and who knows how much money we already spent (our insurance blows) was nearly for nothing. Plus the walk in time for our pediatrician is just 1 hour from 7 to 8 this morning and there was no way I was going to wake up this poor little guy early enough to get there for that after he went to bed 5 hours later than usual, so now we have to wait till tomorrow I suppose. He is up now and only slightly warm, so we will see how today goes. Hopeful this will just be over with. One good thing that came out of this was that Sam has never really been up driving around at night before and he was beyond excited to see the way his town looked in the dark. The whole way home, I expected him to fall asleep, but he just kept pointing out all the sights-- the glowing reflector bumps, the headlights, the street lamps, the moon, the airplane he insisted was a rocketship going to said moon... ;) It was super adorable and awesome. I also cannot believe how amazing he was for the entire ordeal. He is notoriously terrible at Drs offices, no matter how much I explain to him before and during, no matter how much I try to comfort him, he just really hates strangers touching him and putting things in his orifices (go figure! ;) ). But last night he took all the waiting like an absolute CHAMP, and let every Dr and nurse do everything they needed to do without batting an eye. I was completely blown away. I guess next time we have to go to the Dr for something, I should just get him really tired first?? ;)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:01:58 +0000

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