Sambo the Rambo? Posted by: Editorial in Editorial 5 hours - TopicsExpress


Sambo the Rambo? Posted by: Editorial in Editorial 5 hours ago Vice President Sambo’s equation of Ekiti gubernatorial election to war is reckless and irresponsible In Ekiti, there is this sense of déjà vu — have we not witnessed this political rascality before? Vice President Namadi Sambo, after his appointment as chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) campaign committee in Ekiti State and State of Osun, was said to have declared that “Ekiti State election is war.” That, of course, is reminiscent of former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s flat declaration that the 2007 general elections — perhaps the worst in Nigeria’s history, would be do-or-die. When challenged on his reckless declaration, the former president reiterated his do-or-die credo. So, do-or-die style, his party mates took the cue: mayhem, bedlam and electoral brigandage all the way, leading to the worst election ever. It is perhaps cold comfort that the vice president has not responded to Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi’s challenge to deny the statement; and thereby reassure Nigerians that he meant no sinister motive by it. Alhaji Sambo has not obliged. But neither has he gone the Obasanjo extreme of reiterating a clear, un-presidential gaffe — in Obasanjo’s case, a gaffe that would haunt him for the rest of his days. Still, that threatening and irresponsible diction is perhaps enough to recast Alhaji Sambo from a mild-mannered vice-president to an electoral president of vice. It just might be a Freudian slip that would haunt the vice-president to the end of his political career. But Obasanjo’s infamous threat is not the end of the ignoble déjà vu. Under that grand philosophy, the then Vice President Goodluck Jonathan went ahead to prove he was more than the late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua’s presidential spare tyre. Just as Vice President Sambo is coming alive now, to pounce on Ekiti and Osun as illicit electoral trophies, Vice President Jonathan reportedly flexed muscles, and attempted to pounce on Ekiti to deliver an illicit mandate. News reports back then accused Jonathan of allegedly behind the Ekiti electoral re-run drama, when Madam Ayoka Adebayo, the septuagenarian Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), for Ekiti, whose self-confessed Christian conscience collapsed. Reportedly after the “Abuja treatment”, the REC allowed herself to be suborned into the Ekiti electoral manipulation, which gifted the loser victory, and the winner, defeat. Vice President Jonathan was allegedly very active in that Abuja treatment that clinched the Ayoka electoral conversion from Paul to Saul. But like the tortoise that swore he won’t return from his trip until he was well and truly disgraced, the electoral robbers of Ekiti — and of Osun — tarried on with all tricks in the books to enjoy illicit mandates until the judiciary threw them out in disgrace. So, Vice President Sambo declaring the June 21 Ekiti gubernatorial election would be war would appear no accident at all. It could well signify a Jonathan Presidency unfinished business in Ekiti. President Jonathan and his array of dreamers may delude themselves that a task at which Jonathan failed as vice president could be redeemed now that he is president and commander-in-chief. They are entitled to their delusion. Still, it is imperative to sternly warn these desperadoes. The reasons are simple. Western Nigeria has always had fatal attraction for Nigeria’s domestic hegemons. In the First Republic, it was the forceful attempt to take over Western Region that started the crisis that eventually consumed that republic. The story of the Second Republic was no different. The ruling National Party of Nigeria, NPN’s attempt at brazen vote robbery marked the beginning of the end. Besides, the current objective situations in Ekiti and Osun hardly support any suicidal attempt to rig elections. Before Dr. Fayemi reclaimed his stolen mandate, Ekiti had nearly grounded to a halt. Under the PDP administration, Ayodele Fayose, ironically current PDP governorship candidate, had exited in a blaze of odium in 2006. His impeachment for alleged sleaze had climaxed a reign of terror that brought out the beast in the otherwise decent, if rustic Ekiti. The illogicality of a ruling party warring against itself, coupled with Fayose’s kindergarten rule, yet romping to victory at the 2007 gubernatorial election was not lost on anyone. Former “Governor” Olusegun Oni — governor in quote because his tenure was judicially declared null and void — had so heavy an illegitimacy burden that hardly anything could be got done. That translated to almost eight years of paralysis in Ekiti. But Fayemi’s coming has changed all that. From a state with an unenviable record of one day, one trouble, the past four years have witnessed stable governance, steady development and general peace. If the electorate are truly rational, why would they abandon all that because one of the electoral partisans screams war, because it cannot procure a logically superior argument on why it should displace the sitting government? Even with the hubris of its “federal might”, what is the record of the PDP Federal Government, these past 15 years? That, of course, makes the vice president’s threat logical — those who cannot compete on ideas are quick to mouth empty threats. The Ekiti paralysis-to-success story is replicated in Osun — and the electorate there certainly know the difference between the two eras. Indeed, from independence, federal ruling parties often betray the hubris of trying to muscle the opposition, not because of superior performance but because of their government’s monopoly of the security agencies, which they often press into illicit electoral service. But at least in the West and later South West, they have always run into grief. With the present absolutely uninspiring Jonathan presidency, it is even more harebrained to attempt such a gambit. But then, there is no limit to suicide streaks in partisan desperadoes! Let therefore the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) do its duty by conducting a transparent election. Let the security resist being pressed into partisan duties. Let also the better party win, on the strength of its programmes and the logic of its persuasion. But let there be no electoral gerrymandering, the type that happened in the last Anambra gubernatorial elections. Should there be, the consequences would be dire.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 06:08:57 +0000

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