Same Event: Two Wholly Different Perspectives ... (Revelation - TopicsExpress


Same Event: Two Wholly Different Perspectives ... (Revelation 11:15 Expounded) ... THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD, AND OF HIS CHRIST; AND HE SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER. These were the words and sentiments of great voices in heaven after the senth angel sounded his trumpet and after Gods two prophets on earth had been martyred, resurrected and ascended into glory after witnessing horrific events on earth. Someone might wonder why were these elders and heavenly hosts and voices worshipping and praising God and speaking about him reigning on earth and earthly kingdoms becoming his kingdoms when the beast had just overcame and killed his arguably last two witnesses/prophets and people were sending gifts to one another and making merry and celebrating (See Reve 11:10)? Then, to put icing on the cake, after the resurrection and ascension of the two witnesses, the world had been rocked by a great earthquake which killed 7,00 men. That region in the Middle East was [will be?] devastated. Two men who were candlesticks and olive trees standing before the God of the earth (Reve 11:4) had been publicly slain in the streets and shamelessly dishonored; yet heavenly angels or somebody another up in heaven was shouting and worshipping God. What was going on from their perspective? Meanwhile, on earth the beast from the bottomless pit was probably reeling in his victory. He had prevailed over powerful men of God who stood in his way and hid next order of business was more than likely to takeover the whole world, to become the god of the earth, to make men bow down and worship him. The beast had won a major battle. Who on earth could stop him? What earthly army could defeat him? His army consisted of 200 million powerful horsemen (See Reve 9:16) and now hed defeated two very powerful witnesses in battle. I dont know how beasts celebrate a victory; whether they do a dance like football players do in the end zone when they score a touch down or party like its 1999 with revelry or what, but there were two groups claiming a victory; declaring themselves the winner: one in and of the world, and those who were in heaven. Anytime death is involved, the world and the worldly minded think of it as a victory. It has prevailed, it has overcome, it has claimed a life. But when death prevails over one of Gods own, heaven rejoices, because a child of God made it home. In the words of the late great Mahalia Jackson; that saint, that child of God is done with the troubles of this world ... Therefore, from the perspective of those in heaven their death is a victory, a time of worship and rejoicing. However, those who are left behind in the world are weeping and mourning because their loved one is no longer with them. Jesus died too, but he rose again and said, Grave, where is thy victory? Death, where is thy sting. To a witness before the God of earth [Rekeedo]; Death is just a transition, a move, a blow struck to the body; a sting. It hurt for just a minute, but its only a temporary thing ... Its all about your perspective. The death of the two witnesses caused those voices in heaven to worship God and rejoice because they knew his eternal reign in th world was imminent and closer to reality to day than it was on yesterday. Two witnesses were [will be] resurrected in the event of Revelation 11:12; but one day soon, all of Gods children from all over the world will come up hither and be with him ... YES!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:32:39 +0000

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