Samia knew the quiet of their solitude would last only - TopicsExpress


Samia knew the quiet of their solitude would last only momentarily. Samia was sitting on the bed, cradling Hadrian to her breast as he suckled fresh sustenance from her. Zacarias sat in a large leather arm chair, watching her from across the room. His hands were clasped lazily in front of him, a sign of relaxation he rarely had. You did superb, naming our child, Sammie. His voice purred. Im glad you like it. She scrunched her nose as she smiled. I wanted a strong name. It had to be strong. He is your son, after all, and needs a worthy name to live up to. Zacarias rolled his neck, letting out several comforting pops. I believe it suits him perfectly. Samia sighed. I needed this. Needed what? Zacarias could easily search her mind to find all the answers he needed, but Samia was accustomed to conversations, and he felt it made their connection stronger, being able to speak to one another in such a way. Samia lowered her eyes, focusing on a loose thread on the quilt with all her might. I needed to know that our people would not judge me for the things my father did. I can see it in their eyes, even when we got married here, they still whispered Thats Dravens daughter, the betrayer of our own prince. I hated that feeling. Four months after Samia had been living with him, claimed as his lifemate in the Carpathian sense, Zacarias had decided it would be a stepping stone in their commitment to one another to join not only in the Carpathian way he knew, but also in the human way Samia knew. He asked her hand in marriage and they were married during their seventh month together. Zacarias remembered a particular outburst from one of the unmated males, a younger fool Zacarias did not bother to remember the name of. Zacarias had unleashed a fury so terrible on that male, Samia had to restrain him with her shields to keep him from killing the male. Just thinking about that incident made Zacarias shake with fury. They have come to learn their lesson since then. Samia tilted her head to the side, considering what he said. That may be true, but its for completely different reasons now. I… I cant explain it, but I feel accepted. Almost like Im needed in this society. You have proven yourself as a healer, Samia. Gregori, the Dark One, has publicly announced you as his protégé. You delivered Jasmines child with minimal guidance, and it was your first delivery. You sacrificed yourself to save the Prince, which I still have not completely forgiven you for. He added sourly. Okay, okay. Samia rolled her eyes. I get your point. And just for the record, I wasnt even bound to you when I took that hit for Mikhail, so its not fair of you to hold that over my head. She scolded him. Zacarias simply shrugged. You put yourself in danger intentionally, knowing you were destined to be a lifemate, and disregarding your duty to your potential. I must have done something right. Look where were at now. Samia stuck her tongue out. This was playful banter, and something Zacarias rarely engaged in. She took every moment right then and stored it in her memory, locked away for her to look back on and cherish for all time. If there is anything I have learned to expect from you, little Sammie, its to never expect anything from you, because it will never be what I get. Though, I must admit, your ability to pull through for your loved ones still leaves me dumbfounded. He complimented her. Warriors, heed the call to council. Samia stood, grasping Hadrian tightly. Why would Mikhail call a council now? Zacarias rose from his seat. I do not know. Stay here with Had- No. Samia cut him off. I am not letting you leave me. I want to be with you. I am an heir to the Dubrinsky line. It is my right to attend the council as well, and I deserve to know what is going on. Do not make me stay here alone Zacarias breathed in deeply. Normally he took her everywhere with him, without a second thought. This could be heart-breaking news though, and it was Zacariass right and privilege to keep her sheltered from it. But he hated to hear the note of pleading within Samias voice. She was right, but there was no way he could deflect her demands this time. He grasped for the last excuse he could. Who will look after Hadrian? Samia pulled the strap to her tank top back over her shoulder. I will leave him with aunt Raven. Council will not take long. If it is so important he has to call a meeting, it will be worth the time away from our son. Samia, you make things very difficult on me. Zacarias growled. God forbid, Zacarias De La Cruz, the world doesnt revolve around you and your demands. Zacarias tugged Samias hair, forcing her to look up at him. I do this because I love you. I - love - you. He sounded out each word very slowly for her. I do not do it because it is your right as an heir. Only because I love you. I know. I love you too, Zacarias. And I do appreciate how much you have allowed me to do, deviating from your over-burdening commands. I know it takes a lot from you to do such things. More than you care to know. He grumbled. Zacarias and Samia transformed to their human bodies from their mist forms as they joined the gathering in the cave. The plethora of intelligence and a certain sense of mysticism bounced off the walls, lacing itself with their blood until it washed them over with a calm indescribable by any man or woman. Eyes fell to the couple, smiles and welcomes to their ears. Jacques appeared beside Samia. I did not think you would be joining us. It is my right. She nodded her head. Another across from them, female with features of the Dragonseeker line, said, From what I had heard, your lifemate is so over-bearing, he could put the Dark One to shame with his ordering everyone about. I cannot believe he allowed you to come. Samias eyes narrowed on the woman. My lifemate is a wise man, and you have no place to judge him. It is my decision whether or not to stay with him. Samia took an advancing step. I enjoy my freedom as much as any other woman, yet I choose to stay with my man because he is good to me. You call yourself a Carpathian? How dare you put down one with such an advantage over you? You are a fool. Zacarias rested a hand on Samias shoulder. Calm down, spitfire. She meant no offense, nor can you deny that I am controlling. Any male who is not is no man at all. The other females lifemate also held back his woman, wrapping his fingers around her arm. Natalya, be calm. What has caused you to become so vicious? Natalya shook her head. He is a beast. I can feel the demonic taint inside him. It is there, and it is dangerous. He has harmed his lifemate before, and not just once. I know it. Darkness shrouded Zacariass eyes. Was the darkness inside of him so evident to others? He was no fool, he knew he was still close to evil, but he had Samia, and she would never allow him to turn. Watch yourself. You know nothing about that which you speak of. Samia spoke with the formality of a Dubrinsky, a trait she had picked up on from her time with her father. Bite your tongue. Zacarias is a good man, he has resisted the darkness far longer than any other living Carpathian. There is no denying the dark stain in his soul. It is my duty to keep back that darkness. Anything he might have done to me was of my own failing, not his. Mikhail arrived to an aggressive scene. What is going on? His eyes fell first to Samia and his brother for answers. Samia stepped back, wrapping her arms tightly around her mate, nestling her nose into the safety of his side. Zacarias tucked an arm around his womans shoulders. A mild dispute. It is nothing to worry yourself with, my Prince. All is well. He spoke firmly, personally squishing out the fire between the two women with his overbearing finality. Not bothering with the details, Mikhail stood in place, beside the large pointed crystal that hummed with life. Gregori joined him at his side. Anyone wishing to pledge their allegiance to our Prince, do so now. A few others still had not renewed their allegiance to Mikhail since the passing of Vladimir. Zacarias was one of them. He stepped forward, gathering a collective gasp from the crowd. Samia followed behind him. You pledge your allegiance, I pledge mine. We do things together. Samia shot a glare at Natalya whose eyes never left them. Manolito and the other De La Cruz brothers lined up behind Samia, who stood behind Zacarias at the crystal. You have my allegiance, Prince Mikhail, for all time. I will follow you to the ends of the earth, should you ask it of me. Zacariass hand fell over the top of the crystal, slicing a fine line across his palm. As Zacarias stepped to the side, Samia took his place. She gave her uncle a warm smile. It is not necessary for you to do this, Samia. Mikhail smiled at his niece, affection radiating from him for the girl. There was something else there though, she could see it in his eyes. Guilt, perhaps? Samia rolled her eyes at his words. Save it, Princey. Im pledging my allegiance to you, so that you know you will always have my support and the support of my line for eternity, and beyond that even. I love you, uncle, and would do anything for you. Samia closed her eyes tight, anticipating the pain of the tear in her flesh as she too cut open her palm on the ancient crystal. As her blood mingled with the blood of their ancients, a white light, hot and bright shot through the air, powerful and mighty. It rocketed through the air, warming every occupant. It was ancient, very, very old, and tasted of the sweetest honey that flowed from a purity only one such as Samia possessed. Your honor and willingness to lay your life down for your people will not go unnoticed. Mikhail bowed lowly to her. Zacarias wrapped his fingers around the back of Samias neck. His fingers made lazy circles along the muscles, massaging her in a sensual way that set her skin on fire. Samia smirked. Even in front of all these people, she knew Zacarias was fighting the urge burning deep within him to lay her down and make love to her. When all the men had renewed their loyalty to Mikhail, they returned to their place in the circle. Jacques nudged Samia with approval. I have a heavy request to place on all of you, one that I am asking so that you can refuse should you choose.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:57:19 +0000

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