Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy in a Bound for Glory Series Match Impact - TopicsExpress


Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy in a Bound for Glory Series Match Impact Wrestling (8/8/13) Christy Hemme is shown in the ring as she introduces the first match. Samoa Joe comes out and gets in the ring. Music hits and here comes Jeff Hardy! Jeff interacts with the fans around the ring before actually getting inside the squared circle. The bell sounds and Jeff is in the corner getting the crowd wild up. They lock-up and Joe quickly works on the arm. He twists it but Jeff goes to the ropes to break it. They lock-up again. Joe pushes Jeff in the corner. He backs up but punches Jeff in the gut and then in the face. He whips Jeff in the opposing corner. Jeff pops up and wraps his legs around Joe’s head. He does a hurricanrona. Both get up and Jeff hits Joe with a closeline and he exits the ring. Jeff does a baseball slide and Joe goes into the guard rail. Jeff gets on the apron and jumps to Joe. He falls. Jeff brings Joe back in. He continues the attack, but Joe changes it and whips Jeff in the corner. Joe runs to him and hits him. He then does the pele kick to the face. Jeff exits the ring. Joe waits. He runs and does a huge suicide dive. Jeff goes into the commentators desk. Both are down. Jeff elbows Joe in the but but Joe punches him back in the face. Jeff runs into the ropes but Joe knocks him down and then jumps and falls back first on Jeff’s chest. He covers but Jeff kicks out. Joe gets him up and does a snapmare. He applies a headlock. Jeff gets up and elbows his way out of it. He goes running but Joe takes him down with a hand full of hair. Joe gets Jeff back up. Jeff punches Joe in the gut and head. Jeff goes in the corner. Joe rakes the head of Jeff. He then punches Jeff a couple times in the gut. Joe takes him out of the corner. Jeff fights back. He jumps up, but Joe grabs him and hits a powerbomb. He covers but Jeff kicks out. Joe applies the STF. He then switches it to an arm submission. He turns him over for a pin, but Jeff kicks out. Both get up. Joe does a chop to Jeff’s chest and whips him in the opposing corner. Joe runs but Jeff kicks him in the chest twice. He hits a closelines and goes to whip him, but Joe reverses it. Jeff comes and knocks Joe down. He does an atomic drop and then the double leg drop between the legs. He does a kick to the face and covers. Joe kicks out. Jeff gets him up, but Joe punches him and sends him in the corner. Jeff elbows Joe and hits Whisper in the Wind. He covers but Joe kicks out. Joe gets up in the corner. Jeff runs to him, but Joe plants him down with one arm. Joe gets Jeff up to the top rope and goes for the Muscle Buster. Jeff gets out. He kicks and goes for the Twist of Fate. Joe turns it into the sleeper hold. Jeff hits the jaw breaker and then takes the legs out from under Joe and covers for the win. Winner with 7 points: Jeff Hardy
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 01:20:32 +0000

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