Samples of Questions for the Sixth Preparatory Stage .. English - TopicsExpress


Samples of Questions for the Sixth Preparatory Stage .. English for Iraq 2014 Prepared by a committee in the Ministry of Education Reading Comprehension Note: All the exercises in the Activity Book should be included. 2 3 Unit One: Lesson 10 “I’ll always be proud of him” Q. Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. What was the first thing that Mustafa did when he woke up? Why? 2. What do the diabetics have to do every day? 3. Where did Mustafa find his mother? 4. What did Mustafa try to do to his mother and how? 5. Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious? 6. Why was Mustafa’s mother taking injections of insulin? 7. How did the paramedics know that Mustafa’s mother was diabetic? 8. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa’s mother? 9. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ........................................... . 10. Mustafa’s mother will always be proud of him because ………. 11. People who suffer from diabetics take insulin injections in order to ………. . 12. When Mustafa couldn’t help his mother, he ………. 13. Insulin injections are used to ………. 14. Mustafa told the emergency operator that ………. 15. The paramedics spotted Mustafa’s mother ……… 4 Unit Two: Lesson 10 “Security Technology” Q. Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. When was the radar invented? Why? 2. Why do police use radar speed guns? 3. How does a radar speed gun work? 4. How can drivers avoid radar speed guns? 5. What do drivers do when radar detectors detect radar speed guns? 6. How could the police avoid mistakes when using radar speed guns? 7. How should radar speed guns be maintained? 8. Radar speed guns are still one of ………. 9. When the waves of the radar speed gun hit the car, they ………. 10. A driver can’t avoid a ticket by speeding away because……….. 11. Police Sometimes don’t have to stop the driver while they are using radar speed gun, why? 12. What is a radar detector? 13. Radar speed guns mistakes can be avoided if ……… and ………. 14. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are …………. 5 Unit Three: Lesson 10 “Conference Interpreter” Q. Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. What does ‘working freelance’ mean? 2. Why should interpreters read newspapers? 3. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to ………. 4. How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth? 5. The most important qualities of a good interpreter are ……… 6. A good interpreter follows the news and is well-informed on many topics. (true or false). 7. Why shouldn’t an interpreter waste time thinking? 8. The amount of money an interpreter gets depends on …. and ……………… Unit Five: Lesson 10 “Why are holidays so important?” Q1. Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. What would happen if people do not take enough breaks and holidays? 2. What can high blood pressure cause? 3. How can we make our holidays vital? 4. Why do the brain and the body need a break? 6 5. Holiday time can give us the opportunity to ………… about people who are close to us. 6. Our families and friends feel that we care about them when we……. 7. Workaholics are those people who ………. Q2. Explain how breaks and holidays are important to our health and personal relationships Unit Six: Lesson 10 “Making Money” Q. Answer or complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. Why should people save money for the future? 2. When do people get a lot of interest of their saving accounts? 3. How can people invest their money? (mention two ways) 4. How can people get benefit of their money? 5. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment? 6. When we start work, we are encouraged to put money in to a pension plans to ………. 7. Saving accounts benefit people who ………. 8. Financially-minded people who ………… can certainly ……….. as well as………. 7 Unit Seven: Lesson 10 “Using the Library” Q. Answer and complete the following sentences using information from your text book: 1. Why does the writer need to improve his English language? 2. The library has a range of information for people who are looking for the ………. 3. Why are new jobs appearing all the time? 4. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful? 5. What does the whole section of books about different careers in a library describe? 6. In the library, the writer has learnt a lot about how important the ……… is in an interview and how to write a good CV. 7. The writer would like a job which involved …………… 8. When the writer was working in a bank, he gave people information about travelling. (true or false ) 9. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (true or false ) 10. The writer found books about different careers in the library. (true or false) 11. The writer has learnt a lot about how body language is important in interviews. (true or false ) 12. The writer could get information about evening and summer classes from the librarian. (true or false) 13. If you want to improve your language, a library has books in English and also lets you .................. . 8 Writing 1. Write about 100 to 120 words on this topic: Cigarette advertising should be illegal. Write an introduction (this could give some background), remember to add a conclusion (this could be your personal opinion) .These questions may help you. • How harmful are cigarettes to the health of smokers and passive smokers? • Where can cigarette advertisements be seen? Who can see them? Do children and young people see them? • What sort of message do cigarette advertisements give? Do they show successful, attractive people smoking? Do they mention the dangers of smoking? • Are young people easily influenced? Could they be influenced by cigarette advertisements? • Are young people easily influenced? Could they be influenced by cigarette advertisements? How common is smoking among young people? 2. Ahmed wants to be a security guard. He is meeting the manager of the security company tomorrow morning at 9:00. It takes thirty minutes to go from his house to the security company. The manager sent him directions and a map. Write a letter to Ahmed of 100-120 words giving him advice on how to get the job. Write two paragraphs. • Paragraph 1: advice on getting to the interview. • Paragraph 2: advice on the interview; what to wear, what to say, etc… 9 3. Write a 100-120 words on the advantages of studying English in Britain. These notes may help you: • You can hear people speaking English all day, in many different situations. • Lots of opportunities to practice speaking, especially if staying with a British family. • Watch TV and films in English and listen to radio • Read English newspapers, advertisements, notices. • Observe the British way of life • Possibly stay with a British family 4. Write an e-mail of 100-120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a relative. The company could be producing one of the following: jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, food or footwear. 5. Write an e-mail of 100-120 words about a really bad day where everything went wrong. Use your imagination . Start like this: Dear---- I had a terrible day last Saturday. I wish I had stayed in bed then all this would not have happened ---- 6. Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100-120 words on “A wonderful holiday I have had”. Your letter should include: • An introduction ( containing : time, place, with whom, etc----) • Activities 10 7. Write a short article for a travel magazine of about 100-120 words on “Advice to tourist in Iraq”. Talk about: • Historical places • Sightseeing • Parks and public places • Food 8. Write a letter to your bank to complain about a withdrawal shown on your statement that you didn’t make. Write 100-120 words. 9. Write a short essay giving you opinion about this statement: “Studying while you’re working is worth all the hard work”. Your essay should have a short introduction and a conclusion. Remember to use linking words and phrases. You should write 100-120 words. 10. Write 100-120 words about ways people can help to improve the environment. Literature Focus The Swing A. Answer or complete the followings according to the text “The Swing’’: 1. What does the story “The Swing’’ stress on? 2. The two main characters in “the swing’’ are ………… and …………. . 3. Discuss how the visitor tried to convey his massage to the little child? 11 4. Mohammad khudair wrote two famous short stories; the first is “The Swing’’ and the other is ……....….. while the …………. is considered one of his best works . 5. In two lines what does “The Swing’’ tell us about? B. Choose the correct answer: 1. The visitor described the child´s father as (a. smoke , b. water) to express that her father had gone forever . 2. “The swing’’ is considered as (a. tragic , b. comedic) story. 3. The visitor found it (a. easy, b. difficult) to convey the death of his friend´s death. C. Choose the expression that carries the closest meaning to the underlined words: 1. Mohammad Khudair was a young man with crude experience in politics and war. 2. “The Swing’’ is a sincere invitation to sustain family life. 3. The visitor tries to tell the little girl about her father as he sways her in the swing. 4. “He vanished every time you open your eyes”. 5. The war leads to deprivation and destruction. a. taking something necessary away from someone . b. simple and not skillfully . c. support emotionally . d. moves slowly from side to side. e. disappeared suddenly. 12 The Canary A. Answer or complete the followings according to the text “The Canary” 1. You cannot imagine how wonderfully he sung. (he referred to the ………………) 2. How does the story of “The Canary” end? 3. What were the people carried away by? 4. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner? 5. When Missus said: “When I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim. She meant he was……….. . 6. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus. (true or false) 7. Missus was happy to have the canary because she lived (a lonely / an unlonely) life. 8. People have the idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True or False). B. Replace the underlined words with the expressions or words that carry the closest meaning: 1. My heart felt hollow, as if it was his cage. 2. He used to hop, hop from one perch to another. 3. I felt drowsy during the boring lecture. 4. The death of the canary was unbearable to Missus. 5. Missus could scarcely look at the cage without the canary in it. 6. Missus kept the cage of the canary neat. 13 a. feeling sleepy when it is not the usual time to sleep b. so unpleasant or painful that you find it hard to accept c. having an empty space inside . d. hardly e. tidy f. a small jump Grammar and Functions Sample 1: A Re-write the sentences, follow the instructions between brackets: 1. I (think) about you and then you (ring) (Put one verb in the past simple and one in the past continuous) 2- I like those shoes. Can I (try/on /them ) (Put the verb and the object in the correct order) 3- Can you lend me------ money? - Sure. How ------- do you need? (Complete the sentence with, many /much /a few / a little) 4- She (not /talk) so much, but now she never (stop) (Use the correct form of (used to) present or past simple) 5- Help your friend with his baggage.(offer) 6-This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Use should/ shouldn’t to express expectation) 7- If you (not renew) your passport last month, you wouldn’t have been allowed to travel. (Put the verb in the correct form) 14 8- When did you lose your bag? (Write the direct question as a reported question begin with: I asked her------------) 9-The Al-Badri family isn’t here at the moment. They --------on holiday. (Complete with the present perfect simple using been or gone) 10-She’s writing letters. She started at two o’clock. (Write the sentence in the present perfect continuous with since /for) 11- Look at that notice board. There is an advert for English courses.I know. I ------ (Complete the response using: just, already or yet and the present perfect form of an appropriate verb) 12- His car has broken down. He bought it last month. (Combine these sentences with a relative clause) 13-People use these coins in Egypt. (Egypt are in used coins These) (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence) 14-If you studied harder; you would pass the exam easily. (Choose the sentence with the same meaning and name the type of conditional sentence – zero, first, second or third conditional) a- You don’t study hard, so you won’t pass the exam easily. b- b- You study hard, so you will pass the exam easily. 15- She is going to her computer course tomorrow. - I found out she------- (Rewrite using the future in the past) 15 16- Unfortunately, they didn’t train every day. That’s why they lost the match. (Regret starting with: if only or I wish ---------) 17-__________ an average of eight hours a night is about right. (Use an imperative to give advice) B. Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer : 1- There is petrol in the car, so you (a- must b- mustn’t c-don’t have to ) go to the petrol station. 2- He ( a-got b- had c-made ) his hair cut. 3- I can’t find my glasses, I (a-have been looking b- have looked c- looked ) for them all day long but I haven’t found them yet. 4- How many letters (a- did you write b- have you written c- are you writing) so far today? 5- The cheque ( a- is signed b- signed c-was signed ) two days ago. 6- If I have any currency left over after the trip, I (a- will keep b- would keep c- would have kept) it for my second trip. Sample 2 A. Re –write the sentences, follow the instructions between brackets: 1. I (clean) my room and I (find) £ 30 under my bed. (Put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple). 2. Smoking is terrible .You should (give /up/it). (Put the verb and the object in the correct order). 16 3. How ………… time do you spend exercising? ………… hours every week . (Complete the sentence with (many / much/a few / a little) 4. There (be) a house here . But they knock it down two years ago . (Correct the form of used to, present or past simple). 5. Keep your passport in a safe place. (give an device) 6. You have always wanted to fly . I think you will like the AIR FORCE. (Use should or shouldn’t to express expectation) . 7. If they didn’t have duty – free shops at the airport ,People …...….. (not be) very happy . 8. (put the verb in the correct form ) 9. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That’s why I feel sick. (Regret starting with: if only or I wish ......... ) 10. Can I borrow some money? She asked me ……………………. . (A reported question) 11. They are playing football. They started twenty minutes ago. (Present perfect continuous use since / for). 12. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks ………….one . (Complete the response using (just/already/yet and the present perfect form or an appropriate verb). 13. I spoke to a lady on the phone .She told me to call back later .The lady .................….. told me to call back later. 17 (Combine these sentences with a relative clause) . 14-Somebody took my wallet last week . (wallet/week/was/My/last/taken) (Unscrambled the words to make a passive sentence) 15- If Sami hadn’t forgotten his keys last night ,he wouldn’t have had to sleep in the car. (Choose the sentence with the same meaning and name the type of conditional sentence –zero, first, second or third conditional) a. Sami didn’t forget his keys last night, so he didn’t sleep in the car. b. Sami forgot his keys last night, so he slept in the car. 16- He’s going to be a librarian. He decided he ………… (Re write using the future in the past) 17-_______________It’s the most important meal of the day. (Imperative to give an advice) B. Choose the correct answer ,write the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer : 1. When you get in a car you (a. must /b. needn’t/ c. mustn’t) put on your seat belt. 2. I (a. had /b. get/c. make) my television stolen. 3. You look hot. (a. Have you been working /b. you have been working /c. did you work) in the garden? 4. My ATM card was stolen yesterday, so I (a. have to/b. mustn’t /c. needn’t ) get a new one . 18 5. If my plane (a .leave /b. doesn’t leave /c. left) on time .I will miss my connection this afternoon. Sample 3 A. Re –write the sentences , follow the instructions between brackets : 1- She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise . (Put one verb in the past simple and one in the past continuous) 2- Stamp collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it/ up / take) (Put the verb and the object in the correct order) 3- There weren’t ----- people at the meeting. I think quiet---------- had left early. (Complete the sentence with, many /much / a few /a little) 4- He (have) his hair cut at the hair dresses , but now his wife (cut) it for him. (Use the correct form of used to, present or past simple ) 5- I’ve studied hard for the test, so I think I’ll pass it . (Re write the sentence with should/ shouldn’t to express expectation) 6- If my plane (not leave) on time. I’ll miss my connection this afternoon. (Put the verb in the correct form) 7- Give me your passport please. (Make a polite request) 8- Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That’s why he didn’t win. (Regret starting : If only or I wish) 9- How long have you been waiting for Faisal? (Write the direct question as a reported question begin with: He asked me) 19 10- I’ll show you around Baghdad. ----------- to the museum ? (Complete with the present perfect simple using been or gone ) 11- I’m writing a poem. I started on Tuesday. (Present perfect continuous use since /for) 12- The book was missing. It has the information I wanted. (Combine these sentences with a relative clause) 13- Does Samir know about the meeting? _ I’m sorry, I --------. (Complete the response using: just, already or yet and the present perfect form of an appropriate verb) 14- Somebody robbed the bank yesterday. (was The yesterday bank robbed). (Unscramble the words to make a passive sentence) 15- If Noor goes to the shop tomorrow. I won’t have to go. . (Choose the sentence with the same meaning and name the type of conditional sentence – zero, first, second or third conditional) a- Noor will not go to the shop tomorrow, so I will have to go. b- It’s possible Noor will go to the shop tomorrow. 16- If my father knew I drove so fast---- . (Complete the conditional sentence) 17- Hassan thinks he will enjoy a career in graphic design . Hassan Thought --------, but now he’s not sure (Rewrite using the future in the past) 18- _____________ it’s the most important meal of the day. (Use an imperative to give advice) 20 B. Choose the correct answer, write the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer : 1. You (a. don’t have to/b. must /c. mustn’t) pick me up in the car .I will get the bus. 2. The noise (a. made /b. had /c. got) him look outside. 3. Layla’s in the kitchen, she (a. has been cooking / b. cooked / c. cooks) for three hours now . 4. I (a. didn’t go /b. haven’t been /c. haven’t gone) to China yet, but I would like to one day. 5. My bedroom (a. is painting /b. is being painted / c. was being painted ) so, I’ m sleeping in the living room 6. If you (a .hadn’t renewed /b. didn’t renew /c. renewed) your passport last month you wouldn’t have been allowed to travel. 21 Spelling Sample 1 Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5) 1. correct, incorrect . pleasant , ------- 2. co , company. comp, -------- 3. be ,been . find , -------- 4. excite (exciting / excited), wonder, ------ 5. enhance, enhancement. attend , -------- 6. big ,bigger. dangerous, -------- 7. joint in the arm =e------- Sample 2 Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5) 1. healthy ,unhealthy. legal, ------ 2. appt. , appointment. exp , ------- 3. buy , bought. meet, ------- 4. luxury, luxurious. colour,------ 5. apply , application. admit,------- 6. joint in the arm =w------ Sample 3 Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (Choose 5) 1. polite , impolite. popular ,------- 2. yrs , years . freq, -------- 3. spend, spent. do, ---------- 4. attract, attractive. delight,------- 5. attend, attendance . register,------- 6. joint in the leg = k------ 22 Vocabulary Sample 1 A. Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: valid ,register ,conference , renewable ,banker ,obey ,sore 1. You can -----for this class by completing a form online. 2. Wind is a -----source of energy . 3. I’m afraid your card is no longer---- . 4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist ,attended a big ---- in London. 5. Drivers must ----- the speed limit. 6. I can’t swallow. I have a -----throat. B. Mach the words and the phrases in List A with their meanings in List B.(Choose 5) List A List B 1. a person who saw or heard something a. out of job at the time of a crime. 2. medical helpers not doctors or nurses b. witness 3. ambitious c. hospitality 4. unemployed d. conference 5. a fine welcome e. paramedics 6. a large meeting to discuss something f. want to succeed 23 Sample 2 A. Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (Choose 5) online, qualifications ,pilot ,sneezes, limit ,annual ,footprints 1. Captain Ahmad has been a --------- for ten years . 2. We often say: Bless you, when somebody ----------. 3. Scientists are finding a ways to ----- damage to the environment. 4. When I left school I had few -----,but I got a good job after taking a computer class. 5. If you have internet access you can bank -------. 6. ------- can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing . B. Mach the words and the phrases in List A with their definitions in List B.(Choose 5) List A List B 1. baggage a. the same as or similar to. 2. a fashion designer b. paper that tells you what happened to your bank account in the past month. 3. equivalent c. the process of damage in the air, water or land with chemicals. 4. bank statement d. improve (for example, job prospects). 5. pollution e. bags and suit cases that carry your possessions on a journey. 6. enhance f. someone who designs clothes. 24 Sample 3 A. Complete each sentence with the suitable word from the box: (Choose 5) buried , statement ,architect, key, dizzy, in form ,application 1. I feel----- .I think I’m going to faint . 2. Who designed that amazing building ?my uncle. He is a famous ---------. 3. The bank ------- shows that I have a lot of money in my account. 4. Waste is often burnt or --------. 5. You must send your -------to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July. 6. Don’t leave your ---- in the ignition. B. Mach the words and the phrases with their definitions. (choose 5) A B 1- A cartoonist a-to put something in the ground and cover it with 67earth. 2- vacancy b- talk or communicate informally for example (on the internet) . 3- with drawl c-some one who draws amusing pictures. 4- bury d-a good salary, compared with other employers. 5- chat e-money taken out of your account. 6- Competitive f- the company has a space for a new employee. salary
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:21:18 +0000

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