Samuel O Oluwatoki DON’T QUIT MEMORY VERSE: and let us not be - TopicsExpress


Samuel O Oluwatoki DON’T QUIT MEMORY VERSE: and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not, Galatians 6:9 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Josh 3, Ps 126-128, Isa 63, Matt 11 Challenges are part and parcel of life. Been a Christian does not exempt you from challenges. Challenges will come but the good thing about it is that you will overcome them. John 16:33 says these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. At times challenges may come and push you to the left and to the right; It may shuffle you to this side and that side; It may throw you up and down; it may even beat you blue and black but don’t worry it will not kill you but make you stronger. Psalm 34:20 says He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken. God will ensure that no matter what happens, at the end you will be able to stand and give your testimony. What we need to do in the midst of challenges is just hold on to God. As far as we hold on to God He will see us through. In the midst of challenges or during the waiting period there will be pressures on both sides to quit believing or quit everything and just do what others do but please don’t quit. Galatians 6:9 says and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Those who quit don’t win the race. Those who quit don’t testify. Quitters are not celebrated .Quitters are not rewarded. If you want the Lord to reward you with victory please do not quit. Do not give in to pressure. Pressure to quit only comes when victory is around the corner. The darkest hour of the night is just before the turning of the morning. The pressure to quit is greatest at the moment of breakthrough. If only you know how close you are to your breakthrough you will not quit. In Matthew 4:1-11, the devil waited for Jesus to fast for forty days and night before tempting him with food. The pressure to break your fast is greatest when something is about to happen in the spirit. The closer you are to fulfilling God’s plan for your life, the more the pressure to go in to sin. The closer Joseph was to becoming the prime minister, the more the pressure to fornicate with Portiphar’s wife. When Joseph became very close, the wife of Portiphar grabbed him and said today is today, you must sleep with me. Don’t quit keeping yourself for the husband or wife the Lord is bringing. In the physical it might look as if is nothing is happening, but I can assure you a lot is happening at a very rapid speed in the spirit and that is why the devil is mounting pressure so that you quit and loose what God has in store for you. PRAYER POINT: Father, give me the grace to hold on.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 12:18:53 +0000

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