Samuel O Oluwatoki PERFECT WILL VS PERMISSIVE WILL OF GOD MEMORY VERSE: and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that of God, and acceptable, and perfect will of God, Romans 12:2 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Judg 2, Acts 6, Jer 15, Mark 1 The word ‘good’ suggests the existence of another word ‘bad’. The word ‘light’ informs us of the existence of the word ‘darkness’. The perfect will of God in our memory verse suggest the existence of a less than perfect will of God. In other words if there is a perfect will of God, then there is also a not so perfect will of God also known as permissive will of God. I want you to know that the Lord knew you before the foundation of the world (Jeremiah 1:5). Whilst you were in your mother’s womb, He had decided His will for your life (Psalm 139:13). So you are not on earth by accident, you are here on earth for a particular purpose (God’s ordained purpose). The perfect will of God is God’s divine plan for your life. This is what He has divinely arranged – the kind of man or woman to marry, career, ministry, and so on. The permissive will of God is what He permits. A point to note is that the fact that He permits something does not mean it is His will. For instance, if God wants a person to get married at the age of 30, He knows the exact reason why. If the person is obedient and waits for God’s timing, he will receive all the blessings God has for him. Suppose when the person reaches the age of 25 he finds a woman and decides to marry her. It will not be God’s perfect will. If the person continues to pray about it over and over, God will give him a go –ahead. But it will be God’s permissive will. He will still bless them but they will not enjoy the full blessings that come with His perfect will. The Holy Spirit is gentle and He will not force anyone against his or her will. The Most High wanted to be the king over the Israelites but the people saw how other nations had kings and desired a king for themselves (1 Samuel 8:1- end). It was not God’s will for the people to have another king because God was already their king but the people kept asking for a king so the Most High said no problem and gave them a king – King Saul. That was God’s permissive will not His perfect will. God did bless them, but they not receive the full blessing of God. When God was there king, they had peace but after the received their king – burdens after burdens, wars after wars. God wants to give you the best not His second best. A life operating under the perfect will of God will be colorful. To get the perfect will of God, you need to be very patient. The elders have a saying ‘only the patient dog eats the fattest bone’. QUESTION: Which do you prefer, perfect will or permissive will? Full blessing or half blessing?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 13:42:55 +0000

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