San Benito Countys Measure J: Voters back anti-fracking plan By - TopicsExpress


San Benito Countys Measure J: Voters back anti-fracking plan By Howard Mintz San Benito County voters on Tuesday approved a groundbreaking ballot measure that outlaws the controversial oil extraction technique known as fracking. San Benito County residents heavily supported Measure J, overcoming the oil industrys well-funded opposition campaign. A similar measure in Santa Barbara County, backed by environmentalists there, appeared to be heading to defeat. San Benito County attracted attention across California by placing the closely watched measure on the ballot to outlaw hydraulic fracturing, the oil-extraction technique known as fracking that has stirred environmental debate nationwide. The measure was fueled by supporters frustrated by the fact that Gov. Jerry Brown and state lawmakers have not banned fracking, a process that involves pumping water and chemicals underground to release oil and gas. The ballot pitch was an end-run around the politicians. San Benitos measure spawned similar measures elsewhere in California, including Santa Barbara and Mendocino counties, where voters were also asked to ban fracking. Butte County has proposed an anti-fracking measure for the 2016 election. The oil industry, worried about such copycat measures, fought back hard against San Benito Countys proposal, pouring about $1.8 million into the opposition campaign. With Chevron, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum and other oil giants writing checks, the opposition outspent Measure J supporters 15-1 during the campaign. The issue has pitted farmers, ranchers and others in the usually sleepy county against each other. Measure J supporters say fracking and an oil boom would threaten the local environment, notably the water supply, citing problems in states such as Texas and North Dakota. But critics of the measure argue it goes too far, banning common oil techniques. They pointed out that there is no fracking taking place anywhere in San Benito County and have threatened to sue if voters approve the fracking ban.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:55:14 +0000

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