San Diego day 6: -Lost horribly in the Starcity Games - TopicsExpress


San Diego day 6: -Lost horribly in the Starcity Games Qualifier. And boy do I mean horribly. There wasnt a single player there using a deck they made with their own mind. Every single person was running a deck they copied online. I got my butt handed to me. #lessonlearned. -Went for a walk outside my usual route today. Ended up meeting a 49 year old Hispanic man on the road who just crossed the border to work for his family. His English was horrible- but better than my Spanish. Communication was so hard it literally took me over an hour to end the conversation. He says he has a son in the MMA. Bam Bam /shrugs -I got a response from one of my applications today. It was neither positive or negative. They simply wanted my resume in a different format than ODT, (Open Office) --so I sent them a PDF. At least knowing I have their attention is something. (its a receptionist position) -Ive begun putting the following footer on all my emails: Leeland Winfree | Potential Employee The Wordsmith Entertainment | 10276 Camino Ruiz Apt 34 I SD CA 92126 C 858.275.3879 | E leeland.winfree@gmail | W youtube/channel/UCceK64EdOaaI32lDM6Nx7vQ Providing people with the words to change the world. dreams | are | worth | the | work -I spent a few hours in a Subway relaxing as I drew a Dragon. Its coming along really nicely. The theme is a sort of Dragon in the clouds shooting lightning from its jaws kind of thing. -I got professional advice from someone who works at Microsoft today. Wise words were heard. -I think a goal I am setting for this week is to get plugged into a nice Church. -Speaking of religion I found a Hindi shrine in the middle of town in between an Indian restaurant and an Indian market. Parishioners were kneeling before a golden figure and ringing a bell. I wonder if this is how an Atheist feels when they see bright minds believing in a God? It really put me off. Made me sad and angry all at the same time.I didnt linger. Stay classy guys. This one was a little long- sorry.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:41:38 +0000

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