Sanathana Science Simulations back up theory that Universe is a - TopicsExpress


Sanathana Science Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram nature/news/simulations-back-up-theory-that-universe-is-a-hologram-1.14328 What Lord krishna given to Arjuna 5000 years ago ( and given to Vivasvan eons ago ) is beeing verifyed by the scientific community . That the universe is in fact a Holographic Projection . Science took so many years to reach this ground breaking theory that will shatter many of our world view , while the information is already available to us through our scriptures ... Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate,purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate That (consciousness) is full (perfect) ; this (the manifest universe of matter; of names and forms being Maya ) is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness. When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness. - Isa Upanishad It has been given that the multiverse is a temporal illusory hologram , which is projected by the cosmic consciousness Brahman . We have even given accurately the time span over which a hologram is projected , which is nothing more than the age of Brahma , trillions of years. Then the projection stops for the same amound of time , which is cosmic pralaya in which all creation ( illusory hologram , maya ) ceases and Nirguna Brahman only remains. After a specific amount of time the universe ( multiverses ) is projected again ...This process of projection of many multiverses continues for ever . All things that appear as multiplicity, Not simply on this earth, But even those that seem to belong To the heavenly spheres – All are as unreal As the objects seen by the dreamer In a dream. Uddhava Gita, Dialogue 8, Verse 31 The heavenly spheres are a part of the temporal illusory hologram. The entire universe is a hologram of divine pulsating energy. It is only our current confinement to the five senses that creates the delusory perception of apparent solidity - so that we may enjoy the adventures of this cycle of time, the Kali Yuga or Age of Conflict & Confusion. The planets, heavenly spheres, make up the temporal illusory hologram just as we do. The planets are the expression of the unique energies and frequencies of the various Loka worlds, or the Myriad Realms, wherein dwell a vast array of entities. Throughout the Manvantaras, we have always interacted with these worlds and in the previous cycles of time, before our current Kali Yuga, we were well aware of their existence and our relationship with them. But with the advent of the Kali Yuga, we lost our ability to ‘see’ these beings - and thus, as we are stuck in our limited five senses that relegate our perceptions to mere apparent solidity, most do not ‘see’ the inhabitants of these planets. These planetary worlds are a reflection and perhaps even a consequence of our chakras, which are a microcosm of the Axis of the World and contain all the levels of every frequency in the universe. Ayam atma Brahman ; The self(atman) is Brahman Aham Brahmasmi ; I am Brahmanand Chiriya All things that appear as multiplicity, Not simply on this earth, But even those that seem to belong To the heavenly spheres – All are as unreal As the objects seen by the dreamer In a dream. Uddhava Gita, Dialogue 8, Verse 31 The heavenly spheres are a part of the temporal illusory hologram. The entire universe is a hologram of divine pulsating energy. It is only our current confinement to the five senses that creates the delusory perception of apparent solidity - so that we may enjoy the adventures of this cycle of time, the Kali Yuga or Age of Conflict & Confusion. The planets, heavenly spheres, make up the temporal illusory hologram just as we do. The planets are the expression of the unique energies and frequencies of the various Loka worlds, or the Myriad Realms, wherein dwell a vast array of entities. Throughout the Manvantaras, we have always interacted with these worlds and in the previous cycles of time, before our current Kali Yuga, we were well aware of their existence and our relationship with them. But with the advent of the Kali Yuga, we lost our ability to ‘see’ these beings - and thus, as we are stuck in our limited five senses that relegate our perceptions to mere apparent solidity, most do not ‘see’ the inhabitants of these planets. These planetary worlds are a reflection and perhaps even a consequence of our chakras, which are a microcosm of the Axis of the World and contain all the levels of every frequency in the universe. Ayam atma Brahman ; The self(atman) is Brahman Aham Brahmasmi ; I am Brahman Tat tvas asi ; Thou are that , Brhaman The illusion is experienced by the self ( Atman ) . The self is a part of Brahman . Brahman is experiencing many illusory temporal worlds through different beings .... As is the human body, So is the cosmic body As is the human mind, So is the cosmic mind As is the microcosm, So is the macrocosm As is the atom, So is the Universe - The Upanishads Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde As is the individual, so is the universe, as is the universe, so is the individual. - Yajurveda As it is anywhere, so it is everywhere - Rig Veda Purushyoyam loka sannidah ; Man is a miniature universe - (Charaka Samhita IV). Purushoyam loka sannidah -- Man is an epitome of the universe. - Ayurveda One thing to mention about holograms is that however small a hologram is made it contains the whole . This is the reason why at different scales the uinverse from the smaallest to the largest looks the same . Look at the human brain cells and look at the cosmos , it is all the same . Even a molecule contains the whole , just like a seed contains a tree . Everything is infinite , we are infinite .... Those so called Rationalist minds who used to mock scriptures and the Holographic universe idea all the time can now sit down and approch matters with a more open mind .... These guys used to mock all books publised on the holographic universe theory like , The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot ...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:19:42 +0000

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