Sanctification is a process whereby we grow in the grace and - TopicsExpress


Sanctification is a process whereby we grow in the grace and knowledge of God by the power of the Holy Ghost. If you are acutely aware it is occurring in your life, in all likelihood it is not. It is akin to a rose blooming. Only by time lapse photos can we observe this. I know that I am not the same Christian I was when I first accepted Christ. The changes were gradual and took time and those who know me well observe them more easily than I can. I am still growing. The mistake many well-meaning Christians make (including myself) is trying to bring others up to our level quicker than we climbed up. The quickest way to turn away the unchurched is to place expectations upon them that took us years to realize. You didnt achieve holiness the very day you met Christ unless you count holiness as something you wear and how you wear your hair. Spiritually speaking, holiness occurs instantly when Christ cleanses us from all sin, but even here we grow over time as our relationship with Christ deepens. And then there are those Christians who have arrived. I think everyones encountered one of these. They have a superior attitude toward everyone who does not mimic their beliefs and practices. We should be as patient with others as Christ has been with us. Sadly, many are those whose only experience with Christianity has been only condemnation. No kindness has been shown them and the true Spirit of Christ is one of gentleness. While they certainly may be rightly condemned in their unbelief, pointing this out in a superior manner will do nothing to lead them to Christ. Ill be the first to admit that at times - especially in this forum where inflective speech is absent - Ive come off sounding superior or self-righteous. If you know me personally, you know I never take credit for any righteousness I exhibit. My only goal in life is that others would come to know Christ and that I would better represent Him.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:02:35 +0000

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