Sanctuary Meditation ----------------------- Sometimes we need a - TopicsExpress


Sanctuary Meditation ----------------------- Sometimes we need a time to refresh ourselves, or to ground ourselves, or just regain either control over our mind. We sometimes find us in a place of fear or we are so hassled by stress, sickness or everyday troubles that we sometimes which we had a safe place to escape to. Well you have and it is just behind your eyelids. You can condition your mind that in that moment you want to break away, you can close your eyes and either says a key word or open a door in your mind and you can reach that safe place. I am going to give you a few steps to achieve that, but remember this is just one method in many methods and you have to discover the one that works for you. When establishing your safe place: ---------------------------- 1. Close your eyes. Breathe in deeply up to ten count and out for a ten count. Do this several times until you feel that you have calmed your mind and your heart to reasonable status (as I call it) 2. Now clear all your mind of every thought you might have and put aside every aspect that is bothering you. Yes I know it will be hard at first, but the more you do this the easier it will be later on. 3. From here no words or thoughts are needed, just your mind opening to imagination. 4. Let your mind enter a white field. There must absolutely be nothing in this field, just you and the whiteness of everything around you. Now you can also be in a black field or red or any colour which you associate with. Normally white is used as it symbolizes peace. 5. See yourself now walking from this field and finding a door – the door can normally be an old wooden/oak door…something from nature but again let your imagination shape it. Step up to the door and open it. Use both hands to push it open. 6. Now enter this safe place where the sun greets you and an array of colours wash over you. Remember to close the doors behind you shutting out the real world. Stand with your back against the door and close your eyes and breathe in the fresh air. No step away from the door. 7. Feel the sun caressing your skin with its warmth and as you take a step forward notice that you are standing in a meadow of green grass which stretch out as far as the eye could see. In the distance you see an age old oak tree and start to walk towards it. You notice it has many branches reaching far into the air. Let your eyes follow some of the branches upwards and notice the blue skies, peaceful and clear of anything that could obstruct the rays of the sun. It is a perfect day. Return your eyes to the tree and notice that it was old but solid, no cracks or bark hanging loose and that it looked pretty young for its old age. You can even smile at this thought and can even go and hug the tree. Feel how the tree radiates its power and peaceful presence to you. Feel its strength as it withstood all the onslaughts and feel its courage as it faced all the onslaughts growing up all these years. Let its shadow make you feel security and at peace. You can even breathe in that security and peace into your being. 8. Now become aware of two sounds. Hear the soft rustle of the wind through the leaves making a few birds sing and others answered them back. For a while listen to their song. 9. Now turn around and see the small river cascading through the grass meadow. Now walk over to the river and feel the grass softly touching your ankles letting you know that it is there supporting every step you take. 10. You can walk to the river and either sit down on the bank of the river with your feet dangling in the water or walk into it and stand in the water. Feel the coolness of the water touching your skin wrapping itself around your legs. Feel its assurance of constant flow against your legs and let that assurance wash through your skin into your being. Let your feet become like roots sinking into the earth beneath the river. Feel it become roots in the foundation of the earth. 11. Now stretch out your arms above your head and raising both my palms including your head to the sun. Soak up the warmth of the sun and feel that warmth enter the palms of your hands and sink through your whole body until it reaches your feet. Let it sink through your feet into the earth and feel how the earth enjoy the sunlight you brought to it. Let it fill you with peace and calmness. 12. Now as the sunlight is within you become aware of the whole field around you and let that give you a sense of openness, boundary-less and free. Let your soul escape into this free space and start to feel like you are part of the space. Feel yourself melting away into the space and that you became part of the tree, the grass and the water. Your body doesn’t exist anymore; you are now the energy – the burning of fire - of the life around you. Now absorb the solidness or standing firm character from the tree, be its deep roots of strength and unwavering character which is deeply grounded into the earth. Collect the foundation of the grass inside you. Absorb the courage character of the air that backs down for nothing, collect the strength character of the water that can consume every obstacle, and keep the energy of the all within you. Pick up a pebble or a leave or something small which you can keep in your mind as a token to the place. Now breathe deeply, feel the elements within you. When you feel like you are safe and secure you can rise and bow to the area in a thank you gesture and walk back to the door open it and step through it closing it behind you. Now you are back in the white field (or the colour you called to mind), rest there for a while and then breathe in and out and then step out of your meditation and back into the real world. Note: ---------- Practice this going to your secure spot several times so that you can call it up at any moment. Remember your sacred space can be any space you can create which can revive your sanctity, bring you peace, and restore the aspects you need to be healed. The pebble, or leave or small item, which you picked up will then become your trigger later on to jump straight to the sacred area skipping the field entry (but only do this when your sacred space are instilled properly into your conscious and subconscious minds). If you are in a situation, you let your mind jump into this article into the sacred space area. You can also start with this scene, but later change it to a different scene as sometimes our safety zones do get infected by the real world. When that happens destroys that sacred zone by washing it with salt water and telling yourself that this space do not exist anymore and then create a new sacred space. Do not go and stay in a sacred space which is infected as it will infect you also. -----------------------
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 11:30:33 +0000

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