Sandra Stotsky is credited with developing one of the country’s - TopicsExpress


Sandra Stotsky is credited with developing one of the country’s strongest sets of academic standards for K-12 students as well as the strongest academic standards and licensure tests for prospective teachers while serving as Senior Associate Commissioner in the Massachusetts Department of Education from 1999-2003. She is also known nation-wide for her in-depth analyses of the problems in Common Core’s English language arts standards. She served on the Validation Committee for the Common Core yet refused to sign off on them in their final form! There are numerous problems with these standards and it is important that you read here article, linked below. You will need to educate yourself on this. It is up to the educated to inform their local school board members, teachers, principals, and government leaders. The only way to stop this is at the state level and it is up to you to do it, but you must be armed with facts, not emotion. Statements such as, “Common Core is socialism” will not be enough. Earlier this week a debate was held on a nationally syndicated talk radio program on the issue of the Common Core Standards in which the host stated he was looking for the “smoking gun.” He (whose name I refuse to mention here) did have both sides of the issue ably represented by well¬-known people on both sides of the issue. However, as is typical, he gave more time to the proponent to the Standards than the opponent. Even though this host has been presented with the facts time and again, he doesn’t see the “smoking gun.” Perhaps it’s difficult to spot when it is surrounded by the smoke screen that is being projected by the federal Department of Education. Patriots, arm yourselves with the facts! This is one battle we cannot afford to lose. Our children are at stake. ~Temerity Dowell Like · · Share
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:16:59 +0000

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