Sanjay in particular, but everyone: God-realization bears no - TopicsExpress


Sanjay in particular, but everyone: God-realization bears no resemblance to the constructed states propounded by the religions to help us attain it. Now, here is the shock; and if you are in earnest, please be sure you fully understand. One has to unite with Being altogether ... but deeper and total levels of reality than our conditioning allows us to realize. And there is no other place to authentically accomplish this, in the end ... except Being. That is why the state of turiya, commonly called Enlightenment, although there are somewhat higher conditions ... turiya, anyhow, the entry to those domains ... is a distinct direct condition of being Being. This is the way of direct and unmistakable and Power-ful recovery of All-at-once. That is your Home. That is what you are. That is where you began this individuality. So DO NOT look at the methods, the tools of direct fusion with divinity in everything, fusion with everything per se ... as lacking and wrong because there is no religious hocus-pocus. This IS THE DIRECT FULFILLMENT; no clumsy intermediate, disjunct conditions that you may or may not surmount, e.g. the mantra ecstasies, the guided meditations, the demand for your money and servitude, your church attendance and all that overburden. God is everything, and God is the Transcendental ... and nothing there is that is not YOU. You ARE all this, and so do not overlook bypass your Self as you quest to Realize your Self. Do NOT doubt and disbelieve because this doesnt resemble the business religions and traditions. There is not actually anything here to disbelieve, only ways of embarking on the Real; only reality melting into Reality.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:36:41 +0000

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