Sara and Maria, two types of maturation of Fe Genesis 12 and Luke - TopicsExpress


Sara and Maria, two types of maturation of Fe Genesis 12 and Luke 1 are two pages rich in faith and dense developments in catechetical possibilities. Both provide the announcement of a child and in both cases we find the realization of the impossibility of such an embodiment, except that Sarah does not believe, while Maria, believing, does live in his faith even before that in her womb child of promise. The two pages in a catechetical session, can be represented in a mime or at least placed on two comparative tables, forming a two-time catechesis, to become a third time in order to check prayer and their faith. 1st. time: Sara, acculturated women. Sarah and Abraham against the promise of God are in crisis: How did it happen? To overcome the conflict between faith and culture are concerned with finding ways of solution. The first solution (Gen 15.2-3) is in keeping with the customs of the time, but God did not accept his initiative (15.4) and continues to make the promise of offspring. Also the second solution (Gen 16:2) puts too much trust in human logic, current culture-bound, but again God agrees and confirms his promise (Gen. 17.15-16). Sara continues to resist the word of God, so that even laughs wryly at the announcement that make the three messengers of the Lord (Gen. 18:10). His laughter skeptical receives a reprimand from an observation that will be historic in the Lucan: "Is there maybe something impossible with God?"
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 08:46:13 +0000

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