Sarah Kagingo Statement from the NRM Spokesperson Hon . Karooro - TopicsExpress


Sarah Kagingo Statement from the NRM Spokesperson Hon . Karooro Okurut. Ladies and gentlemen, members of the press, there has been talk around the country to the effect that there is an agenda by thE NRM party to postpone the 2016 general elections. It is further alleged that this is because as government we dont have enough money to run the elections and the alleged need to make the electoral reforms. Foremost, I want to categorically state that this initiative is by some members of parliament and we the NRM party are not behind it and do not support it. The core principle of NRM right from the bush times was to restore democracy and give Ugandans the right to determine who should lead them through regular free and fair elections. I want to state that the elections will go on as scheduled. As NRM and as a party that is in charge of government affairs since 1986 we have always funded our elections with and without the support of the donors. If you can recall the number one point in our 10 point programme is to promote democracy. The NRM has pursued this principle since 1986 through regular free and fair elections. Therefore, there is no way we can renege on this cardinal role that has enfranchised Ugandans and popularized the NRM. The talk that since the donors have withdrawn support as government we cannot fund the elections is farfetched. We have been funding our elections 100% since 2001. The donors have been funding civil society organisations. However, what I can state is that we cannot stop some members of parliament to have their own opinions like the one of extending elections. NRM is the majority in parliament and we shall use our numerical strength to defeat that motion in the event it surfaces. Besides, the MPs alone have no mandate to make such a constitutional amendment to be able to postpone the election. Our constitution is clear about postponing an election. Elections can only be postponed when a country is at war and the leadership has declared a state of emergency. There is none of the above now or in the foreseeable future. Therefore , elections will go on as scheduled. Article 77, subsection( 4), states that, Where there exists a state of war or a state of emergency which would prevent a normal general election from being held, Parliament may, by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of all members of Parliament, extend the life of Parliament for a period not exceeding six months at a time. Finally, let me retaliate my earlier submission that no amount of arm-twisting will make NRM listen to any proposal of postponing elections , not even for a day. As the ruling party we know that government has saved enough money to carry out all the elections both national and local. Hon Mary Karooro Okurut , NRM spokesperson and Minister of Gender and Social Development.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:30:31 +0000

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