Sarah Palin is calling for impeachment. I get invitations all the - TopicsExpress


Sarah Palin is calling for impeachment. I get invitations all the time for the Overpasses for Impeachment rallies. And my response to both may surprise a few people. Not yet. Maybe not ever. And before my fellow Conservatives and Libertarians start reaching for the keyboard to either write a blistering response or defriend me altogether, read the rest. Impeachment is not a legal proceeding. Its a political proceeding. It requires a consensus of outrage in the nation that would push the impeachment process through the House to the Senate. You may be outraged. But your neighbor isnt. And I guarantee your Democrat, left leaning neighbor or Facebook friend isnt. Impeachment may be an option, if the IRS and VA scandals lead to Obama. That, along with the invasion of our Southern borders in a bad economy, may lead to the political will to consider impeachment next year. Not likely, but possible. One more thing. We dont impeach Presidents because we disagree with his policies and ideology. The constitutional bar for Impeachment is set high for a reason. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ARTICLE II, SECTION 4 So what do we do? We rally political opinion,we engage in the political process by talking to our elected officials at all levels, and we vote. In every election, local, state and Federal. And we wait for the House Investigations to work their way through the process, over and around the obstruction of the Democrats. Its not glamorous. But its what we need to do. For now...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:56:16 +0000

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