Sara’s Wake Up On Sara’s way home from work, she saw a - TopicsExpress


Sara’s Wake Up On Sara’s way home from work, she saw a protester demonstrating in the square. He was using a megaphone and there was a sign at his feet that read: “FREE THE WORLD”. He wore a sweat shirt with a hood that was pulled over his head and his face was covered by a bandana and sun glasses. As Sara walked closer she could hear him speaking. “This government has lied to its citizens. They send our military to fight and kill and die in wars that only profit those who supply the occupation, the destruction, and the reconstruction of foreign countries. They wage secret wars with drones that kill civilians as well as suspected terrorists, as well as children, and they tell us it’s to protect our nation and call us unpatriotic if we question their authority. No one profits from this suffering, but those corporations and individuals with enough money to usurp democracy from the people by buying off their elected leaders. Thanks to this system of plutocracy, large corporations and banks practice unethical behavior without regulation or consequences from the government whose job it is to serve the interests of the citizens not the interests of those that line their wallets. The central banking cartel of this country has tricked us into playing their game. The monetary system is rigged. It creates debt that can never be repaid thereby turning us into wage slaves and creating poverty and suffering while those in power enjoy wealth and luxury.” He continued to speak as people walked on by. Most paid him no mind, but Sara watched as others stopped to mock and criticize him. Some called him a communist and conspiracy nut. Some even called him a traitor and told him to leave the country if he didn’t like it. Sara was intrigued by the man. All on his own with a message and able to withstand the verbal abuses. I could never do such a thing, she thought, I would be much too embarrassed and afraid. She walked closer, closer to the activist until she was close enough to see his eyes from behind the shades. They were closed. Sara closed hers too, and she felt, and she saw what the activist saw as he stood in the square speaking. She saw the future. She saw marvelous cities with automated systems of transit, farming, manufacturing, distribution, sanitation, everything. Even the city itself was made and constantly being expanded on by an automated construction system. Society now operated on a fraction of the work force it once required allowing the populace to spend time on education and innovation, which lead to technological achievements abounding in every field. The few jobs left requiring human supervision were done by interns, apprentices, and volunteers from the universities and technical schools. A teaching/hands on environment was the new classroom. The old nine to five, forty hour work week, punch in punch out environment was gone. Local, automated soilless farms provided healthy, sustainable food with little energy wasted on production or transport. This increase in supply left little demand, but the people here understood that the principles of supply and demand set up by previous generations, would not work in their society. They understood that the greed’s of a few could not outweigh the needs of the many and therefore the monetary system of old was abolished. The economy was no longer based on scarcity, but on abundance. There was almost a library feeling to what Sara might consider a store or mall. People signed out and retuned products as they needed them, and only the highest quality products were produced now that competitive pricing no longer dictated a products quality. Construction, too was now of the highest quality. No longer did the lowest bid and thereby lowest quality determine how cities were built. These vast cities required a vast amount of energy, and it was known through historical evidence that non-renewable resources were inferior to renewable resources in this regard. Wind, solar, tidal, and the like helped at first, but thanks to new innovations into geo-thermal and electromagnetic energies, a Free Energy Revolution took over worldwide. Former third world countries now thrived. The big energy conglomerates of the past no longer enjoyed the privileges they had when they could buy and sell the political system through the corrupt system of lobbying and contributions. In fact without the monetary system, there was no monetary incentive for corruption. There was no monetary incentive for crime. There was no monetary incentive for war. As the prophet Gandhi had predicted, violence ended when poverty ended. Armies and police still existed. Armies acted as ambassadors to different rejoins. They brought aid and protection when necessary, but also the latest technologies and equipment for making every city on Earth such as the one Sara saw in her mind’s eye. Leaders of the past had wrapped themselves up in a flag and redefined what it meant to be a patriot. The brave men and women of this time served proudly knowing they brought peace and prosperity to the world and future generations. Politicians, police, and soldiers served no incentive other than to serve their fellow human beings. A new human value replaced the old war machine, Earth Harmony. This world Sara saw was the vision of the protester on the street. This was the reason he was out there speaking, trying to wake people up to the future they could all have. His eyes are closed, she thought, but they are the ones that are blind. Sara opened her eyes. The man was still speaking. People still walking by, some mocking him on their way. Sara stared at the activist. His eyes were still closed and there was a tear running down his partially exposed cheeks and behind his bandana. She knew he was crying for the people around him. They didn’t see their own potential. They didn’t see the potential that the nation had, that the human race had, that the World had. They lived in a corrupted society. In a world of abundance they allowed a few to control the resources that everyone needed, thereby creating scarcity, creating inequality, and then poverty and of course violence. They lived in a world where new technology’s that could produce cheap, even free energy were squashed by businesses that saw it as a threat to their profits. Money controls everything and corrupts everything. Medicine, the law, education, politics, food, everything. Money is the cause of wars, innocent deaths, crime, corruption. It is the cause of all evil in the world and this man stands here in the square trying to wake people up to these facts. He does so because he loves them. He cries because he loves them. He doesn’t care that they laugh at him. He doesn’t care if they hate him or even want to kill him. He loves them because he knows that the vision he sees is not possible without them. It will not happen without them waking up to the truth that they have been lied to by a government controlled by money. A small elite are in control not the people. It is not a democracy. It is a plutocracy. Sara’s eyes were opened now, both mentally and physically, and she knew what she had to do even as she was doing it. She picked up the sign by the activist’s feet and held it over her head. “Free the World!” she yelled, “Free Your Mind!” Some people stopped and stared and then went on their way. The activist stopped speaking. He turned his head and stared at her and from behind the bandana she thought she saw the faint outline of a smile.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:01:59 +0000

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